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You have questions, I see? Well, I don't know if I have any answers but here are some frequently asked questions with answers from more intelligent members than the secretary.


What is The Graphics Center about?

We are a center all about graphics! We make graphics, sell graphics, show graphics, teach about graphics, and LIVE graphics!

How do I join?

Go head over to the Join Requests room!

Can we affiliate with you?

Why yes, go head over to the Affiliation Requests room!

Who is your founder?

Josephine, @writesthetic

Who is your head admin?


Do you have any contests?

We will!

How can I get updates from you?

Pop by the head admin's office, the welcome desk, or the founder's office, and they can sign you up to get updates from us!

Any of those help? If not, you can always pop by the head admin's office or the founder's office, or any of the admin's offices, if they're not available.

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