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(A/N! Let's pretend that Geno, Error, Sugar, and Ink are the same age, and that Fresh and Deccy are the same age too.)
(Also- trigger warning for self harm.)

Your POV
"I have to go, bye!" I walk the rest of the way home, stroll into my room, and sit down with my diary in front of me. I take a deep breath, think for a while, then start writing.

'So the legend was true after all.. monsters exist. And the barrier between us and the monster world had just opened. I can't concentrate on anything. Today, at school, the principal made an announcement that there will 6 new male monster students at your school tomorrow. Monster students. When Amy had heard about this, she freaked out. In a good way. I still remember what she said.

"WHAT?!! Oh my GOD!! NO WAY! YES!! See, Y/n? I told, you that it was true! Oh, I hope that the students we get are Sans and Papyrus and-" I forgot what she said after that, I was lost in my own thoughts. She had always loved the game Undertale, and the character 'Sans'. Sans was always lazy and funny, according to Amy. But she also said that he had depression, and no hope. When I heard that, I was like, 'Yikes'.

I used to have depression, and tried to.. erm.. end my life, and it almost worked. I fainted due to blood lost, but it was like I was a ghost. I could see everything. Once I saw everyone at the hospital, crying, I knew that I made a mistake. They had loved me in the end, they just made some wrong moves. I eventually forgave them, and moved on. Ever since that, I was only depressed once in a while. Anyways, I'm kind of nervous about school tomorrow.. I hope everything goes well.'

I lift up my hand, only to see the side of it smeared with led. I sigh, then go to the restroom to wash it. "Shit, I dropped the-" "Y/N!!!" I jump out of my skin, then listen to her continue. "DID YOU FINISH YOUR HOMEWORK? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I sigh, and say back. "I finished, and I'm just washing my dirty hands. Also, mom, you don't have to shout. I can hear you perfectly fine. "OKAY! IT'S DINNER, COME DOWN!!" I sigh again, then mutter, "Okay, I'm coming.."

CQ's POV (Crayon Queen)
As I unzip my suitcase, I hear my 15 year old son Error, yelling at Fresh, my 14 year old son. I listen carefully. Then I hear Fresh say something, and Error gets angrier. Uh oh. I rush downstairs. "BOYS!! Just WHAT is going on right now?" Fresh turns around, not fazed at all. But Error jolts, and runs to his new room. I sigh, then look at Fresh. " What did you do?"

Fresh's POV
"What did you do?" Why is it always me? Looks like it's always my fault. I feel weird and flash across my face for one second, then quickly got myself together. "Hey there, mom. Nice scarf. I have no idea what I did wrong.", I say with the most confused look on my face. Confusion is the "only" emotion I feel, according to mom.

Mom sighs, and tells me, "Fresh, please just leave him alone. He's already nervous enough about being here. And to add more, he's probably going to be hyperventilating because he's going to start 10th grade. So if he's being moody, don't ask him anything, 'kay?" I sigh, and say okay. I go upstairs to my room, and Error glares at me.

"Get out of my room." he says, in his glitchy voice. I shrug. "Sorry ta break it ta ya, but we're sharing rooms, broski." "What?" As I listen to him run downstairs and complain about the room to mom, I sigh and get my stuff ready for the first day of high school. After a while of eavesdropping on the conversation, I learn that mom gave in to Error, and decided to share rooms with my oldest brother Geno.

That way, me and Error have our own rooms. I already know that since Error already unpacked everything and organized it, I'll be getting mom's small room. I drag my luggage upstairs, remove mom's suitcase, and unpack. After that's done, I sit on my new bed, reading a book. Ah, so peaceful and silent..

Geno's POV
"There! Finally!" Mom had just helped me unpack everything and organize my new room. We were given the news that we were allowed to move into the actual human world, officially. Before, we had been living in a small abandoned part, with some humans. But now, we're here. I flop down on my bed and instantly regret it. "Ow.." I rub my arm and sit down on the bed, when I heard yelling. Oh no, not again.. I cover my ears(?) with my pillow to block out the noise. When I remove the pillow, everything is silent, except for some suitcase noises upstairs.

Error's POV
Damn it! "Why do I have to share a room with the parasite?" Mom sternly looks at me, and I shrink. "I-I mean, you know that I can't stand him, please just let him take your room, and you can share a room with Geno, which will be handy, because you can help him!" After a while of convincing, she finally says yes.

YES!! I run to my room and yell, "Fresh! Get out!" Then I realize he's not in there. I feel myself panicking, then rush upstairs. Maybe he's in the study room? Nope. I check his yet-to-be bedroom, and he's sitting there, reading, with everything done. When I run in, I could have swore I saw his eye lights shrink, but thought to myself, 'That's impossible! That stupid little parasite will NEVER be able to feel emotions, and he'll always be a freak!!'

I glare at him, because his dumb face made me overreact so damn much. Then, I grumble, "Why are you in mom's room?" He looks at me, and simply says, "You want me to, don't you?" I clench my teeth. Why is he acting so cocky? Just as I was about to open my mouth, he says, "I'd love ta have a radical chat with you, pal, but right now I've got something ta do, so, see ya tomorrow, broski!"

He ushers me out the door, leaving me confused and mad. Fresh never did this, but why was he being so rude? He literally just kicked me out of his room! As I go downstairs, I think about how Fresh is the only only one on the second floor, and I sulk about it during dinner. Fresh doesn't come out for dinner, he already ate.

Geno's POV
During dinner, I notice that Error was glaring into space. "Hey Error! Are you okay?" He mutters, "Stupid Fresh gets the whole top floor to himself!" I explain to him that he only has the room to himself, and that he doesn't own the story room or the other bathroom. Error seem satisfied, and goes off to bed. I go up into my bedroom, and take out my phone. I check Monchat, and see that Sugar is online.. Should I..? Yeah, I should. I text her, and she quickly responds. I smile. His lisp is has disappeared, and he's so nice to everyone she knows.. he ends the conversation bug stating he has to go, and I say the same. I sleep with dreams full of candy and Sugar.

Fresh's POV
Ugh, Error.. "Interrupted my reading time..", I mumble and I look for the book mark. I put the book back into its place, and lay down in bed, trying to sleep. It eventually works, and fall asleep, forgetting to do something important to me, only me, nobody else.

I wake up with a jolt and a cold sweat, and my eyes turn wide, due to the burning pain in my soul.. I scold myself, 'Come on already! We've practiced this so many times, stop being weak, for goodness sakes! How are you going to survive your first day of high school, Fresh?' I harshly block the noise away, then stifle a gasp.

I forgot to use my medicine. It's probably not medicine for anyone else, but in my eyes, it is. Taking the small sharpener blade from my secret built-in cubby that I made, I sharpen the blade. Then, I wince as I bring the blade, harshly down on my arm. I carve in the number 14, because of my age, and chip away some bone pieces. Error said that the reason he hits me is because pain makes people cry. Dat sounds dumb, but guess I should try it out. I notice that I'm bleeding, and widen my eyes. Oops! I wasn't supposed ta do it dat deep, but I guess I deserve it. Dat's what Error tells me. I quickly tip-toe outside, but I can't find the bandages. Dang it. Guess I have to make my own, while it's 2 in the morning. I wrap my left arm with my DIY bandage. I hear Error and Geno snoring under my room. I smile, then fall sleep.

Alright, let's clear some things up. I know that Fresh isn't dumb, and he would never harm himself.
But Error has wanted him to feel so many times, and Fresh couldn't help but try to feel. He's trying the first method, psychical pain. Error had told him that he only hits him cuz he thinks he'll feel something. (And because he kinda hates him not really tho-). Fresh won't be stupid and stuff, he'll just do a few scratches every here and there. He calls it medicine, because Error says it'll 'help' him.

1511 words, not counting this.
Please tell me what you think, and if there are any mistakes! Thanks!

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