5 ~ Taking A Stand

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Fresh's POV

Wha-?? Wait, what did she just say? Did she just.. say.. oh. Oh. OH. Funk, what do I do? Do I let her get away with it and take the blame? Nah, that's not right. This is a form a bullying, which is unrad, and in books, people who keep quiet about these things always end up dead. Like, I know that only happens in stories, and that this is real life, but still.. why would she say that? That's.. such a lie.

    "Uh, Mr Lemon? I didn't do anythin'. I, uh, I mean, I did throw away da paper, but dat's cuz she threw it at mah skull." He looks at me with a.. sour expression? Yeah, dat works. He rubs his hairy chin and says, "I don't know, Fresh.. would you like it if somebody else threw away your stuff?" I sit up. "Course' not, brah. But she threw it at mah skull, and dat's unrad, bro." Some kids snicker at the way I talk.

    The girl- Amy,- clears her throat. "Mr Lemon? I think I can explain it better. You see, I accidentally dropped my pencil, and when I bent down to grab it, the wind blew away my work. Then, Fresh caught it in mid air and threw it away." I look at her, my glasses saying BRAH. "The window isn't even open, jeez.", I mutter.

    Mr Lemon looks at me. "Fresh? Come over here and apologize immediately." My glasses turn blank without my control. Do I get up and apologize? Or do I tell him what really happened? Will he even believe me? Nah, I'm reasoning with him. I stand up, but don't walk over there. "Mr Lemon, with all due respect, take a minute to think about this for a sec. Why would a new kid try to get himself into some trouble on da first day? It doesn't make sense."

    Mr Lemon looks at me, then Amy, then me. "Well, I don't know, I'm guessing you don't know either? You're going to say that you don't know, because you're not a trouble maker, aren't you? You're not a trouble maker, you're a drama maker. Don't think that us teachers don't understand you kids." I think. "Actually sir, you're right. I'm not a trouble maker. But I'm not trying ta cause drama either, I'm just trying to prove mah innocence, brah."

    Mr Lemon rubs his chin so hard, I think it's gonna fall off. After some silence and whispering from some other kids, I speak up. "Do ya believe me, Mr Lemon? Cuz I know that I'm innocent." He raises a eyebrow. "So you didn't throw away her paper?" My poker face is on again. "Yes, I did, sir. But I'm not sure if she'll like it if she got a paper thrown on her head on her first day at school either."

Mr Lemon looks at me, sighs, and slowly nods. "Yes Fresh, you've made your point. But I'm afraid I still must contact your parents about this. No matter what, you mustn't throw away other students stuff. Now, let's continue." He turns around and walks back to the board. Ma isn't gonna be happy 'bout dis...

    The rest of class is okay, I guess. Nobody tries to throw paper at me or anything. Only thing was when that boy called me a nerd when I raised my hand and got the algebra question correct. I remember feeling stared at the back of mah skull. Then he handed out homework, and as everyone was talkin', I finished all my homework.

    Now I'm sitting at mah desk, bored to death. Mr Lemon seems.. very biased. I pull out a book called "How To Elucidate Vitriol Sycophants", and begin reading. After a while, the bell rings, and Mr Lemon shouts over the commotion. "Everyone, be sure to take notes, tomorrow we're starting calculus!" Everyone makes a cacophony of sounds, and hurry out the door.

I don't rush to the door, I just put my book away and took mah time gettin' to da door. Calculus? That isn't even hard! It's like, the easiest thing ever. A few kids 'accidentally' elbow me on their way out, and I ignore it. If I fight back, that'll cause more drama, and ma wouldn't be happy. I finally get out da class, and open up mah backpack to read the schedule.

School: Opens 6:00, starts at 8:00
Your Schedule
•Homeroom At 8:00-9:00
•Math At 9:00-10:00
•Science At 10:00-11:45
•Lunch At 11:45-12:00
•Art At 12:00-1:00
•Language Arts At 1:00-2:00
•P.E At 2:00-3:00
•Study Hall At 3:00-3:30
Dismissal At 3:30

Huh. Neato. So, science is next. I look down at my paper again. Room 36. I walk down the hall, when I realize what time it was. The peaceful stroll breaks into a run, and this time, I stop right in front of the door, and make sure not to whack my head into it again. I double check the door number, and slowly creak the door open.

The teacher, another bearded guy, is sleeping. And snoring, quite loudly. 'What the heck? He could get fired!', I think to myself as I slowly take a seat beside Deccy. Deccy turns to face me and exclaims, "Fresh! Oh my gosh I missed you! The class was so weird and everyone was staring at me and-" I cut him off. "Yo, brah, calm down. Breathe. Ya survived, didn't ya?" He smiles shyly and sheepishly. "S-sorry, Fresh.."

Decans then pulls out a book. I recognize it as the same one I gave to him before school. I remember saying, "Hey, Deccy Dec, I got somethin for ya." He had looked at me, surprised. "W-who, me?" I grinned. "Yeah, you! It's a book! I saw it and thought ya'd like it." I gave him the book, and he had stared at me for a second. "Uh, brah? Are you alright?" Decans snapped back in focus, and he then giggled nervously. "Oh, sorry. I just.. thought I heard.. something. Genuine." "Oh."

As he reads the book, I kill time by observing. Teacher.. Mr David. Kids are loud and noisy. Suddenly, one of em turned to me and shouted, "Hey, gay-face! Why are you wearing that hideous mess?" Some kids cackled. I looked at him, confused and slightly surprised. "Uh, cuz it's rad?" He laughs even harder, and the kids behind him follow.

I shrug off the weird feeling, and pull out the same book and continue it. After what seems like forever, Mr David wakes up, and finally starts class. I listen and take notes, while helping out Deccy. Not too hard. Before I know it, class is over, and it's lunch time.

1138 words, not counting this.

I finally finished the chap! Sorry for the crappy ending. The next chap may also take some time, I'm very sorry.

Thanks again, and please leave comments and tell me about mistakes!

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