6. The Rain Was Ruined

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(This is gonna be a little different than what happened in the anime sorry)

Koro-Sensei was in the middle of a lecture during our Social Studies period and it had started raining.

I must say I enjoy the rain, not because it's cold and harsh but instead because it gives a second chance to life, for things to grow and replace what has been damaged.

You would see flashes of lightning here and there and some thunder cracks but other than that the class was uneventful.

Your ears suddenly perked up as you turned around to the back wall of the classroom. You could hear footsteps in the distance that kept getting louder and louder... "Bella-Chan attention on the board please!" The yellow teacher exclaimed "Hai Koro-Sensei" (Hai means Yes) you sighed eventually looking at the words that were written neatly on the board "You alright Girlie? You seem a little out of it" you turned your head to the redhead with a confused look but you soon smiled not wanting to worry him "Ah yeah I just thought I heard something heh probably just my imagination" you waved off at him reassuring him that nothing was wrong "It was probably just the thunder Girlie" you nodded your head as a response and once again refocused on the board in front of you.


You jolted up from your seat and turned around to the back of the classroom making everyone in the room look up at you. Your face had a shocked look making everyone worry. You couldn't smell who it was because of the rain which only made things worse.

Nagisa was the first to speak "What is it Bella-Chan?" His voice sounded a bit concerned but you didn't say anything. Karma poked you as a way to try and get your attention but you didn't budge.


You immediately feel your eyes glow as fire erupted from your palms and tiny rocks that were on the ground started making bullets that surrounded your frame. (Anyone else just get Avatar vibes?)

The class couldn't help but watch in shock. They didn't want to describe what they were feeling as fear but instead worry...What was making their pier act like this? Were they in trouble? Was she in trouble? What was on the other side of that wall?

All of a sudden the wall bursted open making shreds of wood fall everywhere and everyone silently jump back in their seats.

A short but muscular figure walked through the broken wall making everyone high alert. Once you spotted who it was you instantly calmed yourself and relaxed making everyone else confused asf. Your fire went out and the rock bullets dropped making small noises as they fell to the ground. You walked up the the figure, wrapped your arm around their shoulders and sighed "Itona what the hell! You scared me bro!" You pouted slightly.

He didn't respond meaning one of three things to you. One, This was the mission he told you about. Two, Shiro was near by or/ and three... he was just not having your bullshit today.

You assumed it was a little of all of those things so you silently got off him and stepped to the side with your hands up in surrender "Bella do you know this guy?!" Rio yelled out to you with her arm wagging around towards you and then Itona "Ah yeah... he's kinda my best bud but uh don't mind him he's not really a peoples person" everyone looked at you like you were crazy and then at Itona clearly intimidating
"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY?!?!" Terasaka yelled to no one in particular.

You say back down in your seat and laid your head down on your desk "Are you going to sleep?!?!" Kayano screeched in shock "nah I'm just resting my eyes" you stated making everyone sweat drop at your carelessness.

Shiro walked in and talked about how he was Itona's guardian and honestly... you wanted to punch him really hard right now because all Itona was talking about was how he was stronger than the wall and that he claims victory... like what the hell?!

I looked up to see Koro-Sensei with a weird expression on his face that screamed "What do I do?" Making me giggle slightly.

Karma started talking to Itona which shocked me a bit but since it was Karma he would probably ask something stupid "Hey, new kid,  mind if I ask you a question?" Itona sat silent "You came in from the rain without an umbrella...it's coming down in buckets out there and somehow there isn't a single drop on you. What's the story with that?" Itona simply turned his head towards the red head now making eye contact.

He looked around the classroom and then stood up making everyone curious. I walking up to Karma he asked "Your the 2nd strongest in this class aren't you?" He asked but the way he said those words made it sound like a statement.

It took everyone a minute to understand what he meant by Second until they looked at me. Itona places his hand on Karma's head now, slightly freaking me out by his new tone of voice "But you don't have to worry, you're still weaker than me...that means you get to live..." Now walking away from Karma he said "Your beneath my skill" now walking to the front of the class he kept speaking "And I only kill things that are stronger than me" I looked up again seeing that Koro-Sensei was stress eating a chocolate bar "And in this case Koro-Sensei...that means you" Itona finished with a monotone voice.

Koro-Sensei looked at Itona with a clear expression "Ah I think I'm starting to get a clear image of your MO" he stated with a calm voice "Well look no further I'm stronger than you by a whole order of magnitude" 'You idiot'
I thought, mentally face palming myself. Itona dug through his pockets now "Yeah sure" you could feel his internal smirk that you knew he was trying to hide "Not so much" he pulled out a chocolate bar "Truth is you and me are actually brothers" everyone gasped and started freaking out. Even Koro-Sensei was freaking out.
I layer my head on my desk and dozed off. This kind of stuff was beneath me.

~Time skip brought to you by Karma chasing Nagisa with a maids outfit~

"Lie. Girlie! Hey Girlie!" Karma kept shaking me to wake up  "Just let me die in peace please" I groaned and hid my face in my arms "oh come on what fun would it be if you died on me" I laughed dryly "Oh by the way New kid and Koro-Sensei are gonna fight after school" I laughed again and told him "Wake me up when classes are done then" and fell back to sleep.

~Time skip brought to you by Itona getting yelled at by Yoshida~

It was officially the end of classes and I had already woken up due to Koro-Sensei lecturing me because I slept through the rest of classes.  I didn't really care though. I mean I already know what we're learning so who would care, I was tired! The only person you can truly blame is my sleep schedule! Anyways, the classroom was set up for the fight and Shiro was explaining the rules as everyone stood outside of the... Arena looking space.

I honestly didn't know who would win but I had a hunch Itona would lose even though I would hate the outcome of that. You see whenever Itona looses it's like a weight on his conscience that slowly drives him crazy. I would hate for that to happen to Itona so I silently hoped that he would win.

Karma was talking about how important his reputation with us was to Koro-Sensei. I yawned. I stood next to Nagisa "Who do you think will win Bella-Chan?" I looked at him with a bored expression "Koro-Sensei" with those last words the match began.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucked. I've been out of my element recently so I was kind of stuck with most parts of this. I know I haven't been updating recently but my schedule keeps getting busier and busier and it's stressing me out. I want to say thank you to all of my supporters and the people who have been encouraging me with this story. I really hope you all are staying safe during these tough times and I'm praying for all of you. Have a good day/ night/ afternoon/ lives :)

(1471 Words)                            7/7/20

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