Part 2

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3 Weeks Beforehand

(It's was a calm Saturday morning. The the sounds of birds singing, the slight breeze that could be felt smoothly threw the air. The clouds just enough to block out the blazing sun to make the day cooler than it is. Everything was turning out fine for the small town.)

BEEP... BEEP... BEEP... BEEP!!! (The sound of an alarm could be heard.)

???: Mmmm... I'm up, I'm up!! (Said sounding aggravated)

(Bringing their hand down and smacking the annoying alarm. To once again allow the peaceful sound of silence enter the ears of the beholder. That was till..)

???: CLAYSON!!! WAKE UP!! (Said a happy voice from outside his room)

(Clayson's door barged open to reveal a blonde 6 year old boy in a onesie and jumping on top of his bed. Repeatedly jumping on top of him)

???: Wake up!! Wake up!! Wake up!! It's the first day of summer. And we need to go playyyy!!!
Clayson: I'm up, stop jumping on me Braydon. (Clayson said with a tired voice)
Braydon: Yayyy! (He jumps off the bed) Hurry up!! We got so much we can do today!!

(He wonders off out of his room in a hurry. Clayson throws the covers he was calmly laying under to let the cool air hit him. Sending a cool shiver down his spine. He slowly gets up and lets his feet land onto the soft carpet floor. Stretching as he finds those satisfying pops in the process. Standing he goes to his closest to find a random white shirt and and a pair of blue pants. Then heads to his bathroom to start his day. Getting the necessities done with. Shower, teeth, all that junk... After the satisfying cold shower. He began looking at himself in the mirror. Seeing his messy wet chocolate brown straight hair of varying lengths lay on his head. The longest clumps of it being on top. Left hanging over his face in uneven waves reaching right at his hazel green eyes. His hair was shorter on the sides and back as it would blend up to the top. Clayson was a bit slim side but was still a bit built just not defined, with fair white skin, sprinkle with little light tan. Standing at 6ft and maybe 6'1 on a good day. He got dressed and headed down stairs. Where he met his other brother Landon sitting at the table eating a protein bar with a shake.)

Clayson: How's my 7 year old brother doing? (He said with giving him a light noogie)
Landon: I'm not 7, I'm 12. (He said with his normal shy upset like voice)
Clayson: I know. Just like to mess with you. So what's your plan for today? You know being it's the first day of your summer vacation?
Landon: I'm going to go to my friends house today and we might play some games.
Clayson: Ahh okay...

(After the one way conversation that I led on. We didn't talk anymore and just eat our food. Him finishing first. He left to go to one of his friends places. He wasn't the most popular in his school. But he was well known. And had a good group of kids to call friends. Even if he gets on my nerves for having this annoying personality at times. But I love him. So what could I do about it but maybe make fun of him as brothers do. Braydon on the other hand just thought that everyone was his friend. Even if he hasn't met them before. He's the pure child you would think of in any case of scenario. Him with his blue eyes and little cheeks. Smiling with the dimples on each side of his smile that could make any women think he's a little angel. He could get anything he wanted. Me on the other hand. I don't have many friends. Not after graduating high school. I went into the navy a few months after. Only to be shipped off back home from boot camp for needing surgery before hand. They wouldn't give it to me because they messed up the papers saying I was completely fine. Only to find out that I wasn't. I'm AM completely fine. But they find the littlest things for when it comes to making a "perfect soldier". So I was just sent home. I got the surgery and now I need to wait again to get shipped back in future time. The sad part about the hole thing is that I lost touch with anyone I originally hung out with. So I had no one to call a friend. So now I sit at home with no plans. And I kinda like that.)

???: Good morning sweetheart, how are you? (A sweet voice could be heard from behind me.)

(It was my mother. Shes a hard worker and wants to alway make things a "happier way". So does my step-dad. But he's usually at work all the time. I love them to bits. Even if I don't show it much.)

Clayson: I'm doing good. Just finishing up my breakfast.
Mother: You have any plans today?
Clayson: Just to hang out with Braydon I guess.
Mother: Oh... He's actually going to spend time with his friend down the street today sweetheart.
Clayson: Oh well then there was no point of him waking me up I guess. (Saying to myself) I guess I don't have any plans. I'll just stay home and draw or something.

(She looks at me with sadness in her eyes and then sighs.)

Mother: You know, it's summer, people will be hanging out. Maybe the public pool, the town, even just probably up the street. You should go make some friends.
Clayson: Maybe (he's says he with a tired tone as he played with his bowl.)
Mother: Look I know you miss your old friends. But you need to make some new ones. I want you to make a friend today. If you don't your grounded.

(She says this giving me the stern look a mother shows meaning their serious. Meaning she means it.)

Clayson: I'm 19... and your going to ground me? For not making a friend?
Mother: You live in my house so yes. I will.

(He gives in knowing he isn't going to be-able to win this)

Clayson: Alright I will. I'll go into town. I wanted to go look at a few shops anyways.
Mother: Good, your Step-Father is already at work. I need to start heading there too. I'll be back around 7. (She kisses my cheek) And please, make a friend.

(She's walks out threw the front door, shutting it behind her.)

Clayson: Well I guess I need to make a friend today... fuuunnnn... ughh...

( Clayson gets up and cleans his bowl. Gets a pair of shoes. And walks out, locking the door behind him as he heads to town to hopefully find a friend.)

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