Finding Him

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A/N: let's pretend Darius is Guy. Don't hate me, I just couldn't find Cass with anyone, so I chose Misha with Darius.

Also, maybe a slight trigger warning towards the end. Sorry!

Castiel's POV:

I just wanted a cat, but instead, I lost my greatest friend. I didn't know where to go, so I just walked. I don't know for how long. Hours? Days maybe? 

How could I think someone like Dean could actually care for mer.

On my third day of walking, someone pulled up next to me in his car and told me to hop in, and I did. His name is Guy. He has beautiful green eyes, nice sun kissed freckles, he's a little bit taller than I. He listens to classic rock. He's just perfect.

"Where you headin' to?" Guy asks.

"I don't really know. Nevada sounds nice." He smiles at me and his eyes glint with joy.

"Well then Angel, Nevada it is." And then we were off.


The car ride never got awkward. Guy sang beautifully. I tried singing, but according to Guy, I sound like a " grumbling cute mess." We soon got into calling each other pet names. I call him babe, and he calls me Angel. He always says I'm beautiful, cute, and adorable. And he never lays a hand on me. For motel rooms, we share a bed. I wake up with him wrapped around me like an octopus to its prey.

When we reach Nevada, I ask him to stay. We got an apartment together. We share a bed, too!

Every morning Guy gives me a chaste kiss on the lips, and it feels so good, but something feels like it's missing.

I've tried explaining it to Guy, but he can't help. He doesn't know I'm a literal Angel, or even my past life. I feel like I'm lying to him.

We never get into fights about my past and what I could be hiding. He doesn't care about that. The only thing be cares about, really, is the sex.

I mean, he teaches me how to do things, but it's not the relationship I wanted. He wants to have intercourse almost ever night, even when I tell him no, he just keeps going.

Yeah, he makes me cry, but it's okay. He always apologizes the next day and gets me a present. It's pleasant.

We've been living here about a year now. His buddies come around every once in a while. I usually don't remember it, though.

But it's nice living here. Everyone knows each other and has barbeques every Sunday. Guy doesn't let me go to the events, but it's fun to hear his stories.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not really allowed out of the apartment and I don't know anyone other than Guy's friends, but it's okay. I'm fine with staying at home.

A/N: Whew, another chapter done. This one has about 500 worss. Jeeze. I swear there's a plot to this! Again, if you see any mistakes, let me know!

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