.Stranger Danger.

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.Your POV.

Your POV

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"I can't do it

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"I can't do it." You say frustrated. "Hey! Yes you can you've just got to believe in yourself." Wyatt tried to motivate you. He was currently trying to help you control your powers. It was so hard though it was stressful and frustrating, which caused your eyes to glow. "Wow wow calm down." Wyatt said as you tried and succeeded. 'Hey I'm getting better at this' You thought.



You heard someone calling out but it seemed to be in your head, but that didn't stop you from looking around. "Huh that's weird..." Wyatt said breaking you out of your search. "What?" You asked. "Your eyes glow bright orange instead of amber like the rest of us." Wyatt said confusedly. "Huh... must be a Great Alpha thing then." You decided. "Yeah you're probably right." Wyatt agreed before smirking.

"Hey you want to go swimming?" He asked. "Don't you think we should continue practicing." You asked. "I think you've had enough practice for today, we can practice more tomorrow. Man I've worked up a sweat how about you?" He answered my question. "I'm afraid I don't agree." You said. The truth is  you can't swim. Hey, it's not your fault Seabrooke prefers the perfect, dry, self than the  wet, smudged makeup self.

"C'mon lighten up! Your pushing yourself too hard! You deserve a nice swim!" Wyatt somehow convinced you to let him lead you to a ledge. Not too high but not too low either. "Ready to jump this?" Wyatt asked. You nervously bit your lip. 'I need to come up with an excuse'! You thought. " I don't have a swimsuit!" You then said. "We'll just swim in our clothes then." Wyatt said. You've got no more excuses.

Maybe Wyatt wouldn't laugh or make fun. Just maybe he'd understand. "I... can't... swim..." You blushed embarrassed. "That's okay I'll teach you." Wyatt said. You smiled Wyatt was the best! But the thing was you weren't sure what the two of you were. Sure you guys kissed and say 'I love you', but werewolves didn't do a dating thing you were either mates or not. But Wyatt hadn't even asked you to be his mate. Did he not really love you. Maybe he was just waiting until he knew for, for when you knew for sure.

Falling. That's was happening now. Wyatt had tackled you off the ledge and you two were falling into the water. You landed with a big splash before sinking. You squirmed trying to pull yourself up which you somehow had managed to and clutched onto Wyatt. "Wow, wow relax it's ok I've got you." He held onto you with one arm the other he swished in the water support both of your heads above water.

Wyatt gave you instructions on how to paddle and keep your head above water. Which was pretty helpful. "Alright I want you to swim to me." Wyatt said letting you go winning about 10 feet away. You followed your instructions swimming towards Wyatt and just as you were about to reach him when he lurched back. He continued to do this keeping you steadily swimming for a bit.

After what seemed forever you finally were able to tackle Wyatt in the water. "I oughta' kill ya." You pulled at his air. "Ow!" He complained. "Oh believe me I can do much worse Lykenson!" You threat. "Well at least you learned to swim." He offered. "I did?" You asked before you came to the realization," I did!" You yelled excitedly hugging Wyatt. "N/n, I kinda can't breathe-" Wyatt complained sounding constipated. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" You apologized realizing you were not being gentle.

"It's fine I'm just glad for the sudden mood change. You were kinda scaring me." Wyatt said. "Well maybe you'll think twice before mistreating your Alpha." You smirked. "Oh I'm so scared!" Wyatt waved his hands around sarcastically. "Please forgive me oh wise won." He bowed down smacking his face in the greenish water. You laughed before putting on a serious face. "It's Great Alpha for you but you can keep the 'wise' I like it!" You poked his nose.

"Oh please forgive me oh wise Great Alpha!" He held his arms up in surrender. "You forgot to bow," You said earning a glare from him, "but it'll do." You joked. Wyatt smiled as well. "Come here you!" He grabbed you by the waist pulling you against him. Your limbs tangled together and your arms wrapped around his neck securing your positions. It seemed as though time froze around the two of you. It seemed that it was just you and Wyatt no one else around.

Wyatt pressed his head against yours and closed his eyes as you did the same

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Wyatt pressed his head against yours and closed his eyes as you did the same. His hand came and cupped the side of your face, his breathe hitching. He sat there doing nothing as if he had frozen up so you made the first move. You smashed your lips on his, Wyatt had seemed shocked by your random action but soon kissed back his lips massaging yours.




You broke the kiss as you heard the same noise you heard from earlier. You looked around anxiously, where was it coming from?! "Did you hear that?" You asked still searching for the maker of the sound. "Hear What?" Wyatt asked, clueless to the sound that he hadn't heard. "N-nothing." You shook your head. 'I'm going crazy.' You thought in your head.

"Hey So I was wondering..." Wyatt started as you refracted your attention to him. He buffered as you made eye contact with your (eye color) eyes with his brown ones. "Mhm..." You intrigued. He sighed. "C'mon Wyatt you've got this!" He mumbled to himself. What could possibly be disturbing him so much? "Look we've been in love with each other for a while now and I think it would only be appropriate to..." Wyatt was soon cut off by Wade, the leader of defense pack.

"Alpha Y/n! Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something..." Wade asked taking in the state we were in. You looked at Wyatt which he gave you a nod almost saying 'it's okay we'll talk later.' "No go ahead Wade." You answered. "There's a stranger in our territory he refuses to let us see his face he demands he talks to you.." Wade pointed to you. "What?" You mumbled to yourself. You scrambled quickly out of the water taking off running.

You had to get there fast! Cause usually when theirs a stranger there's a danger. You moved vastly across the woods. Until you approached a teenaged boy with his back turned towards you his hood covering up the back of his head and drooped over the front of his face. "Y/n watch out we don't know what he's after." Wyatt, who you had just discovered followed you, whispered in your ear. "I demand to speak to the Alpha!" The boy yelled. "This is she." You said. The boy seemed to stand up more straight before turning around his face still shaded by his hoodie.

"Do you have someone who goes by the name Y/n L/n in your pack?" The boy asked. "I'm Alpha Y/n L/n. I'm the Great Alpha. Can I help you?" You asked kindly. The boy froze before slowly rising his hoodie out of his face. Revealing his spiked, white, hair and piercing red eyes. 'A vampire' you thought as you heard Wyatt growl. You knew that werewolves were chummy with vampires but you felt connected to this one in particular so you ordered Wade to have the pack stand down. You continued to study the vampires features. And that's when you realized the shocking truth, one that made you gasp.

"You.... you.... Look Just Like Me!"

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