Girls night out

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"Helena! Get out here let me see the dress on you", yells my crazy best friend from the bedroom. "I'll be out in a minute, just finishing up a few touches", I respond so she stopped yelling. I put on my lipstick and run my hands through my hair to make it a bit messy, look myself over and step out of the bathroom. "You sexy bitch, look at you", she walks a circle around me checking me out, pulling at my dress and ruffling my hair, " I love it, you look so hot". She's never been one to hold back what's in her head, which most times I find amusing and others embarrassing. "Well now that we are both dressed should we head out?" I ask ready to get our night officially started. The cab is waiting outside of the apartment and we head out for a well deserved girls night. I haven't been out in so long, feels like forever, I work so much that I rarely get a break. By the end of the day I'm exhausted so I just want to sleep. But Kacie made me promise to give her a night just us girls to go out and have fun with no excuses, so that's what we are doing. "You can drop us off here sir", Kacie says to the driver. She pays our can and we get out and step onto the busy walkway full of men and women dressed to impress to get into this club. Packed completely, Kacie grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd. We step up to the bouncer she whispers in his ear and the large man let's us both through. "What did you say to him, how did we get past the line" I ask in confusion. "Don't worry about it babe, I got us in that's what matters, I got the hook up, now to the bar, time for shots and drinks". I follow her ready for a night full of excitement, drinking and non stop dancing.

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