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"I'm going to go to the bar" I yell into kacies ear through the loud music. She just gives me a half nod as she keeps her body moving to the music grinding on everyone in her immediate surrounding. I needed water, after dancing and drinking for what seemed like hours I needed to rehydrate. As a dance instructor I know that in order to keep up my stamina I'm in desperate need of water. As I work my way through the sea of sweaty bodies I finally get my way to the bar, crowded with men and women looking for a drink or maybe another clubgoer to take home, as I get the bartenders attention I can feels hands touching my thighs and hot air blowing in my ear. "Hey sexy, can I get you a drink", gross worst way to approach a woman in my opinion, he smelled like sweat and cheap cologne, his breath covered in the heavy scent of alcohol as he could barely stand up straight. I politely smiled as I removed his hands that were trying to reach areas he shouldn't, "no thank you, I'm here with someone but thanks for the offer". As I turn around he spits on me and calls me a disgusting bitch. As much as I would've loved to turn around and slap him, I didn't have to, here comes drunk Kacie pulling her arm back and punching him square in the nose. He's bleeding on the floor and her and I are laughing. He flips us off and disappears. "Kacie oh my gosh, where did you come from?" "I saw that disgusting human spit on you and couldn't hold back, gave me a reason to hit somebody" , we laugh together as the bartender hands me my water. I make Kacie take a few sips and in a split second she's tripping over nothing, other than her drunkenness, and she's headed for the floor until this what seemed like a shadow grabs her quickly and sets her on a bar stool and I quickly put her arm around my shoulder to keep her steady. "Kacie are you alright? Thank you for catching her" as I look up this tall figure I lay eyes on such a rugged handsome face. His features we're almost hypnotizing. Dark messy hair with a few strands hanging in front of his face, his facial hair was nearly trimmed to give him a masculine look that went incredibly with his sharp jawline. I was staring at him for longer than necessary before I actually spoke again. "uh yeah sorry thanks again for catching her that would've probably been really bad", not awkward at all, I hadn't even paid attention to of he was even saying anything back to me. "We better get going through right Kacie , you're toast and it's gonna be fun trying to get you up the stairs at home". I waved to the man and took Kacie out of the club. That was a face I couldn't forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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