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"MinSeo" Jimin ask as he grabbed my wrist

"Jimin?" I turned to him and he let go of my wrist

"Can I talk to you after school or right now?" He ask in a concern way

"Why, May I ask?" I ask him in confused

"Just meet me after school in the field,ok?"

"What ever you say" I sighed and walked away from him


"Ring Ring"

"Meet you at lunchtime" Yeonjun said

"Ok meet you there, bye" I waved at him and he waved back

As I was walking down the hallway towards my class someone pulled into the janitors closet

"What the hell!!!" I turned to the person who pulled me into the janitors closet

"Am sorry but please help me" Jungkook ask as politely

"First of all, why would you want me to help you, Second of all, am already dealing with Jimin god knows what he's going to tell me, Third of all, why don't you ask other person instead of me!!!!" I ask him in a mad tone

"First of all, your different from all the people in our school, Second of all, can you not yell at me, Third of all what does Jimin what to tell you???"

"like I said I don't know what he wants to tell me, and no I won't help, tell someone else not me" I was about to walk away until jungkook grabbed my wrist

"I'll pay for your lunch?"

"I rather pay for my own lunch then some popular kid paying for mine, Now let go of me!!!" I harshly pull my hand away from his grip and walk out the janitors closet

"Who does this kid think he his, asking for me for help" I rolled my eyes and walked to my next class


In the middle of the class I was dazing off weather to help Jungkook or Meet up with Jimin

"MinSeo? Please focus? Or do you want to solve this problem" My teacher points at the board

"Oh sorry" I look down at my notebook and see a blank page, my eyes widen as i realized that I haven't wrote anything on my notebook

"Oh god, as I really dozing out for a long time" I whisper to my self

I look at the board and see almost the whole board written with letters I pick up pencil and start to write my notes

"Ring Ring"

"No ,No ,No" I quickly write my notes until my teacher called me name

"MinSeo? Aren't you going?"

"Miss? I didn't finish my notes can I probably stay after school and finish them?" I asked politely

"Yes you may but next time don't doze off ok?"

"Yes, Miss" I stand up and pack my bags, as I was walking towards the door I see my best friends coming towards me

"So I hear Jimin wants to meet up with you?" Soobin ask

"Fortunately he does" I sighed

"Does that mean you won't be able to walk with me after school?" He pouts

"Yah! Don't think that, yes I will walk with you but I still don't know if I want to meet up with him, plus jungkook wants my help, for what, I don't know"

"Oh" Soobin ask in a soft voice

"Let's just go to class ok" I pat his back

"Ok then" he ask


[After school]

"Ring Ring"

"Make sure you study for your test tomorrow!!" The teacher yelled as the students walk out the class room

As I was walking to my second period class I see Jimin looking for me, I ran the different direction from him and quickly make it to my second period class

"Hi miss" I bow to her while am out of breath

"Hi MinSeo, are you hear to finish your notes?"


"Ok the notes are in my notebook, here you go" She handed her notebook to me

"Thank you, I'll get to work now"


"Thank you Miss for letting me stay after school"

"You welcome, have a good day"

"You too Miss, see you next week"


I walk out the class room and happily sigh while walking towards the gates, until Jimin walks in front of me

"Why are you avoiding me?" Jimin ask

"Look Jimin I need to study for a test coming up" I look up at him

"Is it that hard just to talk to you?"

"Jimin!! Can you just wait another day????"

"No I can't!!!"

"Ugh, Jimin your giving me a headache I already have to deal with my test, with jungkook and now you!!!!"

"Matter in fact of you yelling at me, I rather take you there"

"Am sorry what-"

Jimin grabbed my wrist and walked to the field

"Jimin!!! Let go of me!!" I tried to take my hand away but Jimin keeped on holding my wrist tighter

"Ow,Ow, Let go of me"!!!!

As Jimin walked to the middle of the field he let go of my wrist

"What the hell was that for" I said while rubbing my wrist


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