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It's been a week that the realistic one and the guy started talking much closer than every yesterday. Everyday they were texting and calling each other and also looking and smiling at each other for nothing. Now the time came for a desperate personal meet.But they wanted to change their names to call each other much catchier and in a easy way. So, the guy told her to choose a name for him and the girl told him to choose a name for her.

After a day, they both tagged each other in their favorite movie character names.The boy started to call her as SAHI and the girl started to call him as RAM. 

The same day they both went to class and Sahi stopped sharing with the funny one like what's happening with Ram daily.The funny one's crush on Ram slowly faded away and the cunning one stopped attending the classes as she got engaged.While in the class also Sahi and Ram couldn't resist to stop texting to each other. So, they decided to leave for home.Ram started to step down the stairs and Sahi followed him as it is a five storey building she couldn't meet him  throughout the stairs.

By the time Sahi reached the ground floor, Ram already headed out of parking with his bike started. The same friend,who told Ram about the fake account was Sahi's,is there waiting to go with Ram.As soon as they looked at each other they smiled and this was noticed by his friend. Later,Sahi tried to act normal and walked away. Ram and his friend drove to their houses. Sahi couldn't stop smiling while she is driving to her home. She was very much eager to reach home and talk to him and she wanted to ask him why he smiled! 

As soon as she reached she rushed into her room and checked her mobile and already she got a text from him.She opened it and read it as it says,"why you smiled?!". She was laughing by seeing this and she replied like,"It automatically happened". Now they both discussed about the incident that happened and Ram told that his friend asked him,"are you talking to each other?" and for that he said "yes,Occasionally, that is why she smiled". The conversation goes on and for the first time they started to talk emotionally. They both wanted to meet as soon as possible.

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