CHAPTER 8: Kim Jisoo

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Dinner went by in the pack house, all of the Kim children with their mates were seated at the table with Jungkook and his packmates. The little child named Kim Derek, was escorted back by Taehyung to his aunt and uncle's own pack house. All of the wolves on the table chatted happily as they ate and both Taehyung and Jungkook were getting along as they talked about what happened earlier, Taehyung smiles now when he talks to Jungkook, while the said male was also happy as he made progress for his beautiful mate. They were soon interrupted as the dining room's doors open and a delta came in along with a beta, they both bowed to Taehyung with their right hand on their chest and then looked at Taehyung, and all eyes were on them.

"Young Alpha, we apologize for you and everyone present at the dining table, but we have to tell you this right now" the beta calls

"What is it?" Taehyung asks

"Our patrols says that there has been rogues wandering around the pack, Delta Sungnim and his team has been almost attacked" the beta says and Sana stands up as her brother was in that team

"Is my brother alright?! Is he hurt?!" Sana asks and Tzuyu held her down as Taehyung mind linked her

Sana sat down as she saw Taehyung looking at her, Taehyung looks back at the beta and the delta.

"Are any of the warriors hurt Beta Yojoung? Delta Sungnim?" Taehyung asks calmly

"Katsune Ryunara and Mitsue Gou were fought, while the others are alright Young Alpha, but good thing we came into the pack grounds and the guards caught them and were took into the dungeon before they cause more trouble" Beta Yojoung says and Taehyung nods

"I'll handle them later, you may leave" Taehyung says and the two wolves bows again then leaves

Taehyung slumped in his seat and sighed as he looked at the others who are now looking at him with shock, impressed, joy, and love.

"Wow Taehyung, I know you're in charge, but I never knew you could really lead a pack at your age!" Hoseok says impressed

As the other Crescent Canine and some of his friends nod along with him, while Bogum chuckles and holds his mate's hand.

"Well! What could you expect from the future alpha of the Solar Artic Pack!" Bogum cheers but a person cuts him off

"Or Luna" a female voice says and they all looked at the female and Taehyung smiled

"What do I owe the pleasure of your lovely visit, Kim Jisoo?" Taehyung asks and the female scoffs

"First of all: shut up! And second: why didn't you tell me that Lisa and Jennie came to visit you?!" The female named Jisoo asks annoyed and Taehyung smirks at that

"It's your own fault for not asking YOUR bestfriend Jisoo, and that is not how you treat your alpha" Taehyung teases with a smirk

"Don't make me cast a spell on you like last time. Kim. Taehyung." Jisoo says annoyed but also with a smirk

While Jungkook and the others only watched on how they talked with each other, all of them could feel the tension around those two, but it was a calm and friendly tension, but still, the tension is still there.

"Umm... Younghoon?" Jimin calls and the aforementioned hummed in response

"Who is that girl? And why is she and Taehyung talking like that?" Jimin asks as he watches Taehyung and Jisoo still talking

Younghoon, Tzuyu, and Bogum sighed as they know what's to come of Taehyung and Jisoo's converstaion. Tzuyu decided to explain, while the others from Solar Artic Pack are also confused on who Jisoo is, and her relationship with Taehyung.

"That's Kim Jisoo, and she's a witch, she's also Taehyung's friend as she's the mate of a friend of Jennie and Lisa, Park Chaeyoung, Jisoo and Taehyung met in Havoc Academy and became friends even if they have a weird chemistry together, they often tease and annoy the heck out of each other, they're still close then ever. Sometimes, Jisoo casts different spells on Taehyung while Taehyung pranked her back by learning magic on his own in the library of the Wizard Elders in our pack. But the two were inseparable, they're often mistaken as a couple in our pack, cause they bicker, fight, tease and play with each other a lot, which most couples do. But if some pack members ask them, Jisoo would fake a gag while Taehyung leaves her alone. So yeah" Tzuyu says and the others were surprise but nodded but Younghoon chuckles

"I still remember the 'cutie spell' Jisoo casts on Taehyung and she would disappear after she casts it when she and Taehyung were still 16" Younghoon says and he, Tzuyu and Bogum laugh

"You guys do know we can hear you right?" Taehyung asks as he sits back down on his seat with a raised eyebrow

"Well, we were just telling them about you and Jisoo" Bogum says

"Whatever" Taehyung says as he eats his steak

"What is she even doing here?" Jungkook asks instead

"To annoy the heck out of me, but I told her to schedule it another time" Taehyung says as he drinks water

"Why?" Younghoon asks

"Because I want to spend time with Jungkook so he can prove himself to me" Taehyung says and Jungkook smirks

"Oh, I will, I'll prove myself to you until he beg for me to love you" Jungkook says cockily

They all laugh as Jungkook only stares at Taehyung with a bright smile while the said male blushes from his the thoughts in his mind but continues to eat his steak.

*meanwhile with the parents*

Blood was everywhere as the Alpha of the Solar Artic Pack and Crescent Canine Pack were fighting off the wolves from the Black Blood Pack, the Lunas were in the pack house, protecting the weak ones.

"Eunan, are you sure we'll get through this?" Lily asks

"I know we will, but I have to send a warning to Taehyung and the others" Eunan says as she mind links her son

Gong-yoo and Jungho were standing proud as they fought side by side, more wolves from their enemy pack were still coming and fighting.

Gong-yoo! You have to do it now!!



Taehyung, it's time

Alright appa

So what's going to happen?
Find out!
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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