CHAPTER 11: Before The Date

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After the Alphas of the neighboring packs left, I slumped on the couch in the living room as I massaged my temple.

"Seems like you had a stressing day?" I turned my head and saw Jisoo standing there with her witch uniform

"You could say that again Soo" I say with a sigh then I heard a clink and saw mug with a tea bag

"Thanks" I said as I took the mug and drank from it

"So... what did the Alphas said?" She asked me as she sat beside me and sat her bag down on the coffee table

I sighed as I drank tea from the mug as I leaned back...

"I told them about what appa told me and they said that they'll go to the Crescent Canine Pack to help Alpha Jungho and leave Jisung and Chanyeol hyung in charge of the Red Creek Pack and Oak Grim Pack while they're away, and they asked me to ask you if you know any wizards and witches to help them" I said and she placed her finger under her chin as she thinks

"I know many, but some aren't trustworthy, but I'll ask them and see through them for lies" she says and I nodded then I heard Jin hyung's voice in the mind link


Yeah hyung?

Jungkook wants me to link to you that your date with him will be at 8

Alright hyung, thanks, see you guys later

See you later Taebear!

I closed off the link and rested back again in my seat as I handed Jisoo the mug

"Thanks Soo, for the tea" I thanked her and she only nodded

"I'll be at Jennie's house, I'm gonna do my homework and ask some of my friends to help" she says as she stands up

"Ok" I say

"Just mind link me if you need anything, ok?" She asked me and I nodded

She left the pack house and I was left alone in the living room, I walked towards my room and changed into gym shorts, a black t-shirt, wore a black bandana and tied bandages to my hands up to my wrists and took my bag contained with towels and my water jug. I went downstairs and into the kitchen and filled my jug with water, and then after that, I walked towards the pack house's training grounds and set my bag down as well as my jug and started to train.


After training, I was tired, so I walked back into pack house while drinking water, I walked upstairs into my room, when I arrived at my room, I took off my bandana, bandages and my shirt and then dried my sweat then took a quick shower, then after that, I wore yellow shorts and a white shirt and lied down on my bed to take a quick rest.

I was soon awakened when someone was knocking on my door, I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 7 pm. and for sure, that the others are here since their school ends at 5 pm, I heard the knocking and groaned internally.

"Who is it?" I asked, my voice deep from waking up

"It's Jimin! Jinnie hyung wants you downstairs!" I heard Jimin hyun's voice from behind the door

"I'll be right there!" I say and heard footsteps away from my door

I stretched out my arms and got up from my bed and fixed my bed hair, I went out of my room and downstairs, and when I got downstairs, I was met by loud noises, I looked over at the noises and saw Jungkook and the others talking to each other loudly with paper, pencils, pens, books and notebooks scattered on the floor.

"What the heck is going on?" I asked and they all looked at me

I saw Tzuyu noona, Younghoon hyung and Sana noona gulp in nervousness as they looked at me, as I held an irritated expression on my face.

"Umm... hi Tae! We were just doing homework by doing a study group!" Hoseok hyung says cheerfully

"Homework? Study group? Or war and chaos?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

They all gulped at me, I sighed and massaged my temple and heard another clink and saw another mug with tea bag floating in front of me.

"I figured you need some of it" I looked at Jisoo and I took the mug and drank from it


"Is he alright Jisoo?" I heard Jin hyung ask

I looked at my mate worried as I did noticed from the little bond that he was a little weak.


"It's nothing" Taehyung cuts off the girl named Jisoo

"Young Alpha, dinner is ready" I heard a male says and Taehyung nods

"Thank you Connor" Taehyung says and then looks at us

"Let's have dinner everyone" he says and we all nodded

We all went inside of the dining room and sat down on the table and the maids brought the food and all of our water, and then soon we started eating.

"Are you ok?" I asked him and he nodded at me

"Are you sure? Do you want me to reschedule our date?" I asked him concern

"Yes, I'm sure, and I really want to go on a date with you" he says and I smiled and nodded

After eating, we all went back to the living room.

"I'll be up in my room for a little while" Tae says as he went upstairs

I looked at Jin and he motioned his head towards the stairs, so I placed my things in my backpack and also went upstairs, I went into my room to take a shower since it was 7:30 pm, and then after that, I wore my boxer and went outside of my bathroom and chose a black hoodie, dark blue ripped jeans and timberlands, and then after that, I walked towards Taehyung's room.

"Come in" I heard him say as I knocked on his door

I walked inside and saw him sitting on his bed.

"Hey Tae" I say and he looked at me and smiled

"Hey Kookie" he says and I blushed at his nickname for me

"Are you really sure that you can go outside tonight?" I asked him, concerned

"Yes! Of course, let me just change into something" he says and I nodded

He went inside of his closet and closed the door, huh, guess he has a walk-in closet, I thought, I sat down on his bed as I waited for him, then a few minutes later, I heard a door opening and saw my mate walk outside of his closet wearing a white hoodie, with light-blue ripped jeans and paired it with black boots.

"Are you ready?" I asked him as I was awe-struck at his look

"Yeah, I am" he said and I nodded and we both walked out of his room

We went downstairs and saw the others watching a movie since it was Friday and no school tomorrow.

"Bogum" Tae calls out and Bogum looks at him

"Keep an eye in this pack house while me and Kookie are away" Tae says and Bogum nods

Me and Taehyung walked out of the pack house and got into my car, and left the Solar Artic Pack.

So... this happened before their date...
And sorry for the late update...
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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