Ch 3: Skz Favorite place to kiss

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♥︎ Chan ♥︎ his favorite kissing spot would be the lips

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♥︎ Chan ♥︎ his favorite kissing spot would be the lips. Even though Chan tends to kiss your cheeks more his favorite place. He'd find kissing the lips something special and more meaningful. He's also the kind of person to give long kisses not just pecks cause the lips are something he just loves to kiss so much. His favorite spot being the lips doesn't always mean he'd love kissing in public or around the other members. This is where the cheek kisses come from, it's his more subtle way of showing his love towards you.

 This is where the cheek kisses come from, it's his more subtle way of showing his love towards you

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♥︎Woojin ♥︎his favorite spot would be the forehead. He wouldn't notice it at first and he wouldn't think too much about it. But you can notice it through small details. Like when he's proud at something you did he'd kiss your forehead and say how proud he is. Or when he misses you he'd just kiss your forehead randomly, when he sees you cry he'd give your forehead yet another kiss. He'd honestly never notice it though unless you tell him. Please keep it a secret though cause he'd start being a bit insecure about it and start doing it less cause he wouldn't want to be a bother to you with his many cute forehead kisses.

 Please keep it a secret though cause he'd start being a bit insecure about it and start doing it less cause he wouldn't want to be a bother to you with his many cute forehead kisses

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♥︎Minho ♥︎his favorite place to kiss would be the neck. Yes also In a sexual way he would prefer to kiss the neck but also in a fluffy way. He'd love the giggle he gets afterwards when it tickles you and he'd love the blush on your cheeks. He'd be a huge tease though if he knew that the neck was a sensitive spot. The new information would surely be useful and he wouldn't hesistate to kiss your neck even more only to tease you. Yeah goodluck with a tease like Minho

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