Ch 6: Skz MTL Dating someone older

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Bang Chan





♥︎Jisung and Jeongin♥︎ would both like it the most when someone is older then them

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♥︎Jisung and Jeongin♥︎ would both like it the most when someone is older then them. They'd love to be pampered even if they never really admit that and I personally think they'd love it when their S/O is more the lead in the relationship. Someone that's a motherly type to them and that would make them feel loved. Someone they'd find passionate but also someone to hug them and make them feel like they are home.

 Someone they'd find passionate but also someone to hug them and make them feel like they are home

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♥︎Changbin and Seungmin♥︎ are very much in between. They'd love someone that is older but they'd also love someone that is younger. Their preference wouldn't be big but I do see them preferring someone older a tiny bit more then someone younger. Changbin would also love to be pampered at times and feel like he's a bit more sub in the relationship. He wouldn't mind someone older that takes the lead. While I do not see Seungmin liking someone taking the lead. He's more of a person that likes to share the lead in the relationship. But they both wouldn't mind the age much.

♥︎Bang Chan and Felix♥︎ also wouldn't really have a big preference on wether someone is 5+ years older then them or younger then them

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♥︎Bang Chan and Felix♥︎ also wouldn't really have a big preference on wether someone is 5+ years older then them or younger then them. I see them falling in love with someone no matter what their age is. Bang Chan however I see complete having no preference while Felix has a slight preference on someone younger or someone that is his age. But then again, not much of a big preference there.

♥︎Hyunjin and Minho♥︎ would of course date someone older just like someone younger

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♥︎Hyunjin and Minho♥︎ would of course date someone older just like someone younger. Love is love after all and they wouldn't see age as such a big deal. But if they had to tell their preference they'd rather date someone younger then them. Someone they can pamper and take care of. Someone that accepts their leading in the relationship and yeah, they'd feel more confident if they are the older ones in the relationship.


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-Admin Suzy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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