Chapter 1 - Katherine

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"It's my life and I can do whatever I want!" My mother screams at me, delivering another slap to my face. The sting that follows the hit is nothing compared to the hurt that pierces my heart.

"But he-" I try to argue, but I'm cut off by a harsh shove as my mother reaches to the cabinet for another bottle.

"Don't even try, you little slut! I won't listen to this bullshit anymore." She doesn't even bother getting a glass, drinking straight from the bottle.

"Then I'm not staying here!" I shout through tears, clenching my fists at my sides to stop myself from doing something I'd regret.

"Fine, then. Leave. If you can't be happy for me, then I don't need you." She slurs, falling onto our couch that's seen better days.

"I mean it. – I tell her seriously – If he doesn't leave, I will. And you'll never see me again." I manage to say as my throat tightens.

My mother doesn't say anything, just downing her drink. "You're still here?" She gives me a bored look and that's when I finally break.

I can't take it anymore. I run out of the house, not even caring about taking anything with me and head straight to my car, hastily starting it and driving away.

I step on the gas, speeding away from the house I used to call home. I feel that if I stayed there any longer, I would die. I'd rather kill myself than stay with them.

How could she do that?!

How could she just bring him with her?! How could she just disregard me like that?!

I am her daughter! Her own blood and flesh and she just brings that man back after what he's done to us then doesn't even try to stop me!

I drive for hours, only stopping to get gas and some food. Thank god I have enough money with me to survive for a while. Maybe that way I can get some rest after everything that happened.

The tears that fall down my face blur my sight, but I ignore it, concentrating on increasing the distance between me and those horrible people. I'll never forgive them.


They acted as if I was the one that did something wrong. As if I was the one that hurt them. As if I was the one that destroyed their lives!

I am the victim here, for Christ's sake!

I harshly wipe my eyes to get rid of the tears disrupting my view of the road, sobbing loudly. I can finally let it all out. After months of bottling it in, I can finally let go of all my sorrow and pain.

The farther I am from that house, the more tears I shed and the more free I feel. No one will hurt me again. I won't let that happen.

When I start feeling tired, mostly due to my recent night shifts at work and lack of sleep due to the situation at home, I decide to stop at a motel to get some much needed rest.

Thankfully, there is one just down the road. It doesn't look that good and I'm concerned about its cleanliness, but I'm desperate. Anything will do right now. I'm too tired to care.

I park my car in front of the small shaggy building, locking it quickly and glancing around to see if there's anyone around. I take my wallet and car keys with me and go to the front desk, where I'm greeted by a bored-looking middle-aged woman, who's polishing her nails as she chews gum and watches something on the small TV in the corner.

"Hello." I greet her quietly, unintentionally startling her.

"What can I help you with, sweets?" She drawls, popping her gum loudly.

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