Chapter 3 - Katherine

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I keep Killian's hand in mine while the man called Doc checks out my injuries. Apparently, my ankle is sprained and I have a slight concussion. Doc said he wants to keep me here for a few days to be sure there's nothing wrong with me, but I'm not so sure if it's a good idea. I don't know them.

I mean, Killian is nice. Even though I hit him with my car, he still took care of me and brought me to a doctor. I was surprised when he took me to a biker club instead of a hospital, but with my financial situation I'm not sure I would be able to pay the bill anyway.

Which reminds me, I have to repay him somehow.

But how?

"Killian. You have to get checked too." I quietly tell him, tugging on his hand.

"I'm fine, cupcake. You're the one that's injured." His deep voice sends pleasurable shivers through me. Oh sweet Jesus, I have never heard such gruff and sexy voice before.

Killian is a huge man and he easily towers over me. When he stood over me earlier, I should've felt intimidated by his size, but having such a big guy being so tender and gentle with me brought nothing but warmth. Despite me hurting him, not once did he get angry at me, even though I literally ran him over with my damn car!

"Please! Get checked out." I give him my best puppy eyes, feeling bad about earlier.

"If you insist." He sighs. I don't miss the strange smirk on Doc's face.

And then Killian takes off his shirt.

Everything fades into nothing.

My eyes stay glued to his shirtless torso, his bulging muscles, his hairy chest and eight-pack. He has an eight-pack! Holy shit!

Killian is the sexiest man I've ever seen, hands down.

I keep staring silently as Doc looks over the bruises on Killian's body, before coming to conclusion that he's a 'lucky fucker and he's fine'. I sigh in relief hearing this, still not taking my eyes off the deliciousness in front of me.

"See? I told you I'm okay. – I hear Killian's voice through the lustful haze he just put me in, barely registering his words – Cupcake?" I snap out of my daze, quickly turning my gaze to his eyes so he doesn't catch me ogling. But the teasing look I find in his eyes tells me he caught me.

My cheeks heat up with embarrassment and I quickly look down, picking at the hem of my shirt to somehow calm my fidgeting.

"I'll leave you alone. I can't watch it." I hear Doc laugh and walk away then feel the mattress dip as Killian sits beside me. I dare throw a glimpse at him, only to quickly avert my gaze when I see he still didn't put his shirt on.

"Aren't you cold?" I quietly ask, still not raising my head.

"I'm not." He replies teasingly before getting serious. "Does it bother you?" There's something in his voice that makes me look at him. Worry?

"N-No. I just..." I stutter pathetically when I make the mistake of glancing at his chest. "I've never seen a man's naked body before." I admit, blushing profusely. The heat on my cheeks is almost burning in shame, but then a big warm hand cups my face.

"You're so cute when you blush." He murmurs quietly, trailing his thumb over the apple of my cheek. "Doc said he wants you to stay here for observation, so I'll go and talk to Prez about getting you a room to stay in." I snap my gaze to his face, staring at him incredulously.

"S-Stay? Here? Me? What?" I somehow lose the ability to speak coherently.

"Yes, here. So stay here while I talk to Prez, okay Cupcake? I'll be right back." He keeps his big hand on my cheek, almost cupping my whole head with it. He leans forward to press his lips to my forehead then gets off the bed and walks out of the room, leaving me absolutely speechless.

[MC #2] Biker's SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now