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(Flashbacks will be italicized)

Today's the day. You're finally moving to your new apartment toward the center of Seoul where the kpop entertainment companies are. Yongseok, your best friend, is coming to help you move. Over the phone, he claimed he could do it himself but you have some of his members on call if he can't. 

All of your things are packed neatly into boxes and bags. You sit on a chair and wait for Yongseok to arrive with the moving van; you look out on your small balcony overlooking a park. You stare absently until a little boy and little girl catch your attention. The little boy is pushing the little girl on a swing as they both smile and laugh happily. 

"Hobi! Push me on the swing!" 

"Only if you push me afterward!"

"Hobiii~ I'm not big enough for that yet, I'm only four and a half," you pout. 

He laughs, "Fine, fine that's fair. I'll push you N/N!" He smiles widely and runs over from where he was trying to swing on the monkey bars.

"Yay!" you squeal in excitement and wait for him to come over so he can help you on the swing since you're too short. You're small, even for a 4-year-old. 


You giggle and nod and he begins pushing you. You both laugh as if you're having the time of your lives. 
You couldn't be enjoying yourselves more, when- 

Your flashback is interrupted by a one Kim Yongseok knocking on your door and hollering, "N/N! Let me in!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Calm down," you yell and get up to open the door. Once you do, Yongseok greets you with a tight hug. 

"You're thinner, have you been eating N/N?"

"Really? I've actually been eating a ton lately," you laugh, " I guess I just worked it all off. I am stronger than you, after all."

"No you're not, I let you win that arm wrestling contest and you know it."

"Mhm, sure," you smirk.

He suddenly pokes your cheeks then runs inside and you chase after him, determined to poke his cheeks back. 


You gasp and pretend to be offended. 

"HOW DARE YOU?!" He yells back at you, and then you suddenly trip over a box, a painful yelp escaping your mouth. 

Yongseok stops and runs back to help you up. 

"Oh my gosh, N/N, are you ok?" 

You pretend to be hurt so he'll bend down and inspect your 'broken ankle' and when he does you pinch his cheeks. He slowly stands up and flicks your forehead. 

"You're such a brat. I should start calling you brat."

You laugh, "Okay, fine, whatever. Let's just start moving things, Yongseok."
"Okay," he helps you up and you both start transferring things from your house to the truck. Once you finish with the boxes and bags, you both stand in front of the furniture.

"You know, maybe we should call your hyungs, Yongseok." 

"Let's just try first, okay?"

You sigh in defeat, "Okay."

You both move toward the furniture and surprisingly, manage to move your eating table and four chairs, an armchair, and some other random pieces of furniture. You move everything but the mattress and sofa, saving them for last. 

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