Ride and Surprise Part 1

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In this story you and Peter are 21. Infinity War and Endgame happened but no ones dead! You and Peter have been dating since the end of junior year. You were abandoned by your parents and was raised by Steve and Nat. You call them mom and dad but they aren't in a serious relationship, their more like really good friends.
Your POV
It was a beautiful Wednesday night in New York. Peter was out on patrol for 30 more minutes, Dad's in the gym training with Bucky and Mom's finishing some work for shield. Everyone else are either in their room, the lab (Tony), or in the gym. We're planning on having a Disney movie marathon when Mom and Pete get back. I can't wait! We bought so many snacks and treats!
It's only been like 5 minutes and I can't wait any longer!!! I'm calling Peter.
Ring Ring Ring...
Nothing! I guess I'll try again.
Ring Ring Ring...
Still nothing! Ugh! When I get a hold of  him...!!!
Ring Ring...
Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Clint, Dr. Strange, Loki, Thor, Scott, and Tony walked in right as I picked up.
"Peter Benjamin Parker!!! Why haven't you answered any of my calls!?"
Right as they came in they left walking back slowly as if they didn't want me to see them because they now when I'm angry that I can get pretty scary.
"I'm sorry I was busy with a robbery." Peter said a little scared.
"You were busy with a robbery!!! That is no excuse!"
"I can't just stop in the middle of a robbery!"
"You very well could have! If you would have asked the robbers to stop for at least 5 minutes while you answer your girlfriends call I bet they would have let you because I bet they have wives or girlfriends and I bet if they were surrounded by police men and they got a call from them they would ask the police officers to stop for at least 5 minutes because every man should now that ignoring their girlfriend or wives call or calls is like a death wish!"
"I'm sorry babe." Peter says wincing at how loud I was.
"Ok now that that's over why'd you call?"
"I was calling you to get your butt back over here because everyone's waiting on you to get home so we can start the marathon."
"But isn't Nat still gone at work?"
"Yes but she'll get here in like 7 minutes which is 13 minutes faster than you."
"Ok I'll try to hurry up. Love you."
"Love you too."
Peter's POV
"Dude who was that!?" Robber number 2 asked. As I like to call him.
"That right their was my girlfriend." I say exhausted.
"Let me guess you didn't answer her call?" Robber number 3 says.
"Yeah I didn't answer her first 2 calls."
"Dude if you aren't dead when you get back I'll be surprised!" Robber 1 says laughing.
I hear the police sirens close by and decide that I should get going.
"Well if I don't die I'll come visit you guys in jail." I say as I leave the bank and head to the tower.
Your POV
Everyone was settled in the living room waiting for Peter to arrive. There were 4 couches which each held 3 people, and the other 3 people were either in seats of their own or on the floor with mountains of pillows (Clint and Scott). There was an empty seat next to me. It was saved for the one and only late spider.
After like ten minutes of everyone talking Peter finally arrived. He went to his room and took a minute long shower then got dressed in a t-shirt and sweats. When he came out he plopped down next to me. That morning we all decided on the live action Cinderella for our first movie so Tony had Friday start it.
It's like twelve and we're on our third movie. Bruce fell asleep but we all know that when we turn on toy story he'll be awake in a matter of seconds.
I was so focused on lion king that when Peter whispered in my ear I jumped a little.
"Sorry if I scared you but I was wondering if you're free on Friday?"
"It's ok and yeah let me check my schedule." I say already knowing I'm free.
"I think I may have time to squeeze in time for you." I say while giggling.
"Perfect! I'll pick you up at 9:30 in the morning."
"Why so early!?"
"You'll see."
"Ooh a surprise! Yay! Ok well I'm heading to bed so I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye. Love you."
"Love you too."

I'll be updating this again really soon so stay tuned!

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