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It was a spontaneous thing that happened over the summer. Remus was just so bored being locked up in his room waiting for the next moon to arrive and one day when Peter was visiting, he just lost it.

"I want to get out Wormy," he yelled making Peter jump a little. "I want to do something stupid, I am so done with being cooped up in my fucking room. Take me to London."

"Right now?"

"No fucking tomorrow," he snapped, he was already in the process of wearing his summer sweater. "Of course right now."

"Yeah, sure, just checking mate" mumbled Peter and they were on their way in less than 15 minutes. Remus' parents had been trying to give him some space because they could feel their son felt imprisoned so it was way easier to get permission to get in a car with Peter and go away. It also helped that for some reason, Hope Lupin had decided Peter was a responsible and sensible person and boy, was she wrong.

Remus took his usual way too comfortable position in Peter's front seat as he turned the music on and let the wind roam through his messy hair. He was feeling free at last and as he made waves in the wind while Peter's was driving down the high way, he kept throwing ideas at the smaller boy.

"Maybe I should get a tattoo?"

"What would you even get?"

"Dunno," he replied, his eyes still fixed on the trees on the side of the road, looking a little blurry because of the wind and their speed. "Something about you guys maybe."

"James would cry for five days," pointed out Peter with a smirk on his face and made Remus grin. "You know he would."

"Sirius would cry with him," he said thinking about the raven haired boy. "I don't know if I want something as permanent as a Muggle tattoo though. What if one of you betray me?"

"What the fuck Moony?"

"It's a joke, mate," Remus shook his head. "But still too permanent. Maybe I should get a piercing on my nose or my lip."

"That would be a very Sirius move, Moons," snickered Peter. "In both senses."

"I know," laughed Remus. "But it's not permanent, I can get it and just lose it when I'm bored, yeah?"

"If you want to do something spontaneous, we could just get black out drunk and sleep in my car?" suggested Peter, his eyes fixed on the road. "I mean getting a hole punched in your skin, albeit being spontaneous, is also very painful."

"Did you just say albeit?"

"I can use big words, too, you dickhead," objected Peter with not so hidden pride in his voice.

"Sorry, sorry," apologised Remus. "I don't think I would feel the pain though, how worse can it be than getting your bones broken at the same time?"

"Oh yeah, I- I f-" stuttered Peter as he shot a apologetic look at Remus.

"We should be able to make fun of this by now Wormy," said Remus and ruffled Peter's hair. It was a thing he did whenever Peter felt like he did or said something wrong and Remus just wanted to let him know it was okay. "I don't know what to do besides joke about it."

"You're right," Peter smiled back. "I just don't like to think about the pain you go through is all. Let's go get you a fucking piercing."

Remus smiled at his friend and went back to watching the road and when they pulled up in the smallest parking spot ever in 15 minutes he got out of the car not sure if he was going to go through with it.

As he walked through the black framed doors of this place Peter saw, he still wasn't sure if he would get a piercing or just run away. Spontaneous things weren't a problem but this might have been a little to spontaneous for Remus Lupin.


It had been the shittiest summer Sirius had ever had in his life. He had runaway from home to the Potters after the shitshow that went down in Grimmauld Place and he wasn't planning to ever go back to that hell. James' parents had been more than welcoming and helping but Sirius was still having trouble accepting that whatever went down that night had actually happened.

Today was a silver lining in his otherwise miserable holiday. Finally, Peter and Remus were coming to the Potter manor before they left for Hogwarts. Not that he didn't enjoy James' company, it was just that... Sirius had missed his boyfriend. James' cuddles were very comforting too but it was nothing comparable to practically sleeping on Remus.

Now, Sirius had no idea what a cardiac arrest felt like but he decided it was something similar to what he experienced when he saw Remus land into the Potters' living room through the floo system.

Is that a? Is that a lip piercing? Stop st– It looks like a fucking lip piercing. Fuck.

"What?!" yelled James with apparent shock. "That's so badass, Moons. When did that happen?"

It was like someone sucked the air out of his lungs, his heart was beating way faster than it did normally and he felt his mouth water. So many thoughts were running through his mind at that point. What had happened that Remus, his fucking Remus, decided to get a bloody lip ring? It was the best thing that could have happened to Sirius after the shit he went through really. He thought maybe he was ignoring the fact that a whole family took him under their wings but.. Remus Lupin had a fucking lip piercing and that was the most important thing that ever happened in Sirius' life as far as he was concerned at this point in time.

Sirius reminded himself on several occasions that until it was night time he had to behave. Mrs. Potter was more than used to Sirius and Remus snogging on every corner of the manor they can find but the rest of the families might have frowned upon it. Poor Mrs. Pettigrew might even faint if Sirius were to do the things he thought about doing to Remus right this second.

They all walked to the living room in silence where the house elf and Mrs. Potter had prepared them something for the tea and Sirius sat across from Remus, his pupils dilated and fixed on the hoop on Remus' bottom lip.

Did he just? Did this fucker just bit his fucking lip? He just– he–

Sirius' breath hitched as he tried to look away from the werewolf but he was laughing and smiling with a glint to his eyes and it was impossible to do so. Sirius hadn't told Remus about the shit that went down yet but seeing this, how happy he was and how fucking beautiful he looked, he wasn't sure he would be able to.

That's not what's important right now. There is a fucking lip ring situation and you're thinking about how to talk to him about your morbid life. Is he looking here? What. The. Fuck?

Remus John Lupin. This tall, lanky kid who you would never take to be such a flirt was currently driving Sirius Black, this obviously punk-rock kid with good genes, crazy. It was just one look and a crooked smile and Sirius let down is head down in defeat as a grin spread on Remus' lips.

He knew, he knew what it would do to me. That sly gorgeous bastard.

"Say Moony, do you have a minute?" he said as he got up with a fake smile on his face. "I just need help with a– a small thing."

"Sure, Pads."

"If you ever take that lip ring off," began Sirius whispering as they slowly walked away from the crowd. "I swear I'll break up with you."

"No, you won't."

"No, I won't but still... you get my point."

"James' room?"

"James' room."

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