Chapter 15 - Saturday

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It's the weekend. It's the morning. And yet... I have places to be... 

10:30am. Who. In their right mind. Agrees. To go out. On a SATURDAY. At half past ten. IN THE MORNING!?

I did... Yeah that was me... 

After Christopher had left his voicemail I just couldn't say no... He's really trying, so I guess I have to go. Forcing a much needed sigh against the thick air of my room, I check my phone clock and surely enough, I overslept... I have about 15 minutes to have a shower and put on the least comfortable clothes I can find. Oh I'm so excited!! Hanging out with popular kids. Ugh.


My dark hair falls over my eyes, giving up on my appearance, as per usual, I brush it over to the left side of my face and gaze shamefully into the mirror. Why did I agree to this?  What are we even going to be doing that requires me to wake up so early? 

Grey jeans and a black, long sleeved T-Shirt. My silver watch reflects light into the bathroom mirror and shines straight into my eyes for a split second as I move away from the sink. I flinch as again, I am blinded, only this time it was not by my hair. Once again I look up to meet my own eyes in the mirror. My own... Red eyes... What the hell?  I blink, still red. I blink again, still red. My pupils consumed by a dark, monstrous shade of red. I look closer and closer into the mirror, into those eyes curiously looking back at me. Slowly the colour fades back to brown. Did that just happen?  I exit the bathroom, although I cannot escape the image lingering in my mind, so many questions of what this entire week has become. 

After deciding that I'm not in the mood for breakfast I read through my messages, 


Christopher Waters: Hey, we're down the road, get ready!

Oh... I guess I should respond. Wait a minute, I don't remember telling him my address...


Just thought - How do you know where I live??? :Jacob Rowley


Christopher Waters: Don't worry about it, we're outside.

I walk out the door, the silver hinges wine in agony. The handle is freezing. 

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