𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒔 !

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This is an au were the losers are drunk.
Here's what 'type' of drunk they are
Bill Denbrough- "party animal" drunk
(Imagine this- Bill arrives at the party, with the losers, not wanting to be there, he's standing in the corner of the room he's not talking but just watching everyone. And then a loser or a stranger maybe offers him a drink and he's hesitant but as soon as he drinks it he downs so many more. He becomes the center of attention on the dance floor, he's probably puked I'm every room by now but he's having a great time. )
Beverly Marsh- "the Snapchat story" drunk
(Imagine this- Beverly is ok she's having a good time and controlling herself. She's a calm drunk. But as soon as she gets in with the losers she is dancing and singing and having the time of her life. She is anxious with the humongous crowd of sweating people and the smell of weed. I named it this because it reminded of people who don't enter act with people at parties then act super party animal for their Snapchat story. )
Eddie Kaspbrak- "the asshole" drunk
(Imagine this- Eddie at the start of the party will complain about how alcohol and drugs will kill you with an instant. I'm not entirely sure how he would get drunk actually but some time in the party he'd have a couple drinks claiming he'd never ever get drunk. And then you'd know for sure that he was. Because he'll only talk in slur words and will be shouting all over the place. He will only pick fights but will get too scared to actually get physical. He'll insult everyone but will coward away. )
Richie Tozier- "the blackout" drunk
(Imagine this- Richie is yelling and having a blast. He'll be dancing and drinking like hell. He will say he took crystal and crack but won't actually do them. He'd also probably make fun of Eddie the entire time provoking him and actually getting in physical fights. He won't pipe up too fast though. He won't get hurt he'll just be over-dramatic about the situation. By the end of the night he will be passed out in someone's bathtub with puke on his shirt and missing his glasses. )
Stanley Uris- "the sad" drunk
(Imagine this- Stan is dancing and having fun, everything would be against his religion but he doesn't care, by the time the alcohol hits him, he's questioning why he is even there. And probably in a room by himself or with another loser spilling his guts out about any secrets he's ever kept and maybe even cry a little bit. He wants to go home early but Bill convinces him to dance and make out. (Yes we ship stenbrough here, no bill does not top). Stan will become slightly happier will eventually calm down and settle somewhere in the corner. )
Ben Hanscom- "the clingy" drunk
(Imagine this- Ben is an average drunk. He is not passed out drunk, but he's not sober. He is acting like a little baby and clinging on to any loser that he sees. He wants to stay with the group. He's giving out hugs and talking to girls. Not flirting but having small conversations. Beverly is most likely hanging out with him the whole time. They're doing baby flirting and probably swimming in a pool that i randomly decided would be there. He's feeling the music and I'm his own head. He's staying safe and probably the most calm.)
Mike Hanlon- "the mom" drunk
(Imagine this- Mike is either immune to the alcohol or didn't get drunk at all. He's dancing while keeping an eye out on all the losers. Even though he's new the the losers club he protects them at all costs. He keeps to himself at the beginning and towards the end he is combing back bill's hair as he throws up. Holding back Eddie from the older guys, hugging Stan as he cries, and putting a blanket over Richie as he falls asleep in the tub, talks with the other less drunks, Ben and Bev. He's not mad that he's not having fun on the dance floor but he feels proud and accomplished that he has succeeded to have everyone safe. )
That is just my opinion on what the losers would act like if they were drunk. Comment below your opinions or suggestions for this book.
—— kay

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