Chapter 2

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"I'm so excited that we have a new friend! What kind of inventor are you, do you like explosions! How about chemicals!" You backed up into the wall at Honey Lemon's questions.

You knew she was just trying to get to know you, but you were shy by nature. This wasn't exactly the easiest situation for you to be in. Tadashi placed a hand on her shoulder, easing her back. "Honey Lemon, maybe if you will give her a chance to breathe she can answer your questions." She blinked, covering her mouth. "Oh how rude of me I'm sorry!" you smiled.

"I-It's okay. And to answer one of your questions no I'm not an inventor, my brother is." You pointed to Luke who was occupied at Wasabi's station.

"I'm an athlete." that caught her interest. "That's so cool! What sport?"

"W-Well I run track." Luke perked up. "She's amazing. " he pulled out his phone, moving over to show pictures. They all started to gather around, looking at the pictures.

"Nice (Y/N)!" Fred cheered. "Honey, maybe you can make something so I can become a superhuman running machine!"

"That's not science Fred." she giggled. Tadashi was still watching through the pictures.

"What distance do you run?" he seemed generally intrigued. "Ummm, I do the 800meters."

"I'm impressed, I'd like to come to one of your races." he stated.

"Yeah me too!" Fred chipped

"Me three!" Honey called.

"I'm in." GoGo spoke.

You'd never really had anyone other than your parents and brother really watch. Most of your other friends were in other sports so they didn't always have the time. The fact that they wanted to come made you happy.

"S-Sure!" Tadashi gave a smile, eyes moving back to a few pictures of you posing with your medals.


"Are you nervous?" you shook your head at your coach's question. "I'm fine." It was a lie. No matter how many times you competed your nerves would always get the best of you. It sort of helped though, you could put the nervous energy to use in winning the race. Unfortunately your parents couldn't make this particular meet. Your dad had an important doctor's appointment. You weren't sure if Luke could make it either and you felt guilty pulling him from his work just for your race. There would be others.

You lined up when you heard the starter call the other racers. You were on the line, listening to him explain the rules when you heard yelling from the crowd.

"YEAH (Y/N)!" your head whipped at the sound of your brother. You were even more shocked when you saw the entire gang there. Tadashi, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Fred, GoGo and another smaller boy you didn't quite recognize. They were all there, standing up and yelling for you. Your eyes welled up. You wiped it quickly, going to the mark when the starter instructed. You took a deep breath, trying to stay focused on the task. The shot went off and you pushed out, screams and cheers coming from all the people in the stands. You panted, staying with the girls as best you could for the first lap.

"Come on (Y/N) you got this!!" You could hear Tadashi's yells of encouragement. All of them were just shouting, maybe that's what gave you the strength to get past all the girls. One by one you picked them off. By the time you were circling around for the last hundred meters you used all the power you could, speeding across the finish line. When you finished you leaned over on your knees, smiling at the time displayed on the board. You were satisfied. It was a new personal best.



When you got out of the changing room the crew was waiting for you. Luke pulled you into a hug laughing as he lifted you into the air. "That was amazing! I know you'd win you always do!" you grinned when he placed you back on your feet. The rest of them swarming around with congratulations. "That was awesome (Y/N)." at Tadashi's compliment you smiled.

"T-Thanks." the boy you didn't know came into view. "You're really fast!" He gleamed. You nodded bashfully. "Y-Yeah I guess."

"(Y/N), this knucklehead over here is my little brother Hiro. He was so reluctant to come but when you started running I couldn't get him to sit down." you laughed when Tadashi pulled him into a headlock. "Quit it!!" Hiro grumbled. Their little banter was adorable.

"Thank you for coming to watch me perform Hiro." you smiled brightly and Hiro's cheeks turned red. "Y-Yeah whatever." you giggled. When he finally got free off Tadashi's hold he grabbed his hat and ran off. "Catch me if you can!" ha taunted. Before Tadashi could go after him Fred ran off. "I got him, I'll use the training I got from observing (Y/N)'s race." he did a weird pose, before he took off running. Tadashi face palmed. Pretty soon the rest of them started going off after Hiro and Fred. You and Tadashi walked slowly behind.

"I hope I don't look that awkward when I run." you joked. Tadashi shook his head, running a hand through his hair. You'd never really seen him much with his hat off. He looked cute, you wondered why he even wore the hat. It blocked out most of his features. He must have felt you staring cause he looked over and you averted your gaze hurriedly. Tadashi smiled, pretending not to notice. "Were you nervous?" You were thankful he asked a question.

"Yeah a little, I always am. I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

"Well, you looked like a pro out there. If you make it big don't forget your number one supporter."

"I don't think anyone could forget you Tadashi." it just slipped from your lips. But the simple statement made him stop. He gazed at you, and you froze, caught in the intensity of his brown eyes. "Is that right.." he muttered.

"Yeah.." you whispered.

"(Y/N)! Ice cream on me!" Luke's scream broke your short moment. You laughed nervously, stepping away from Tadashi and running over to Luke. "Strawberry please!" Tadashi just let you leave, eyes following as you went. 

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