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clay dream was a popular boy.

he had straight A's, a kind personality, and a lean yet muscular body type. he had girls all over him, yet he never wanted them. people called him "dreamboat," because he was a dream to hang out with. 

he had forest green eyes with a few freckles dusting his cheeks. he was six feet tall with dirty blonde hair. to everyone around him, he was a perfect example of the ideal boyfriend.

but he wasn't interested in any of those girls.

he just wanted flower boy.


flower boy's real name was george found, an adorable and shy boy with very dark brown hair. he had doe-like chocolate colored eyes with a cute smile. he was a bookworm and was very quiet. he was ignored by most people, yet loved by his teachers and parents. he had an obsession with flowers and drawing. 

most people didn't think he was anything special, but clay thought he was the most beautiful thing that he had laid eyes on. he saw the cute british boy one day at the library after school. he had an oversized supreme sweatshirt on with overalls and white converse shoes. he had a cute little smile on his face as he read one of the popular and old romance novels that not many students read.

why was he so perfect?

why was this flower boy so special?

what made him stand out?

he just wanted flower boy.

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