🚨 🚧 WARNING 🚧 🚨
This is a rabbit hole that you can not climb out of. Once you enter your life it will be full of paranoia, chaos and death.
Do you wish to continue?
Farewell, enjoy your life and make sure to cherish it for those of us who can no longer do that.
Do you wish to continue?
-YES- NOWelcome aboard this insane rollercoaster where we discern truth from lie, have fun being paranoid and dealing with the things that go bump in the dark!
Now you have chosen your path, welcome to my book of complied research and theories.
I have finally decided to start a research book because of recent events and I'm a curious soul, I knew one day it'd get me killed.I am only here for the truth so if you find something inaccurate feel free to correct me and if you have any questions or specific topics you want me to research comment or DM me.
Started 17-6-2020
I will be posting my findings in September so make sure to come back then
This is Fate signing out.