Chapter viii : Different

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#8 : Different

The school bell rings again, reminding everyone that the afternoon classes are about to resume.

However, you didn't even moved and unbotherdly sat at one of the stone benches in your school garden. While you were contemplating whether to check the other basis of this dream from your reality if they were the same or not. Like from your supposed to be home but instead it was a Bakery or just go with your dream's flow.

But then a sound of firm footsteps colliding with the crunchy green-grasses stopped your contemplation.Someone then cleared its throat.

Despite the unknown nervousness rushing through your system, slowly you looked up to see a male looking at you with a stoic expression. You felt yourself completely frozen as your [e/c] irises met with his dark-gray ones. Minro Tadashi.

Everything about him screamed firm strictness. But everytime he happily smiled at you, you would forget those parts of him and even start having your first ever strange feelings to someone. Specifically to him. He's your crush, even before you got inside of this dream.

Slowly gazing at him, you observed him. Almost everything about him from the real world was the same here. How his slick jet-black hair parted from his right side. How he neatly wore his uniform. But right now. . .

He wasn't looking at you the same way like before. It was different.

He wasn't even smiling.

"Hello Minro-kun. W-What's brings you here?" You stuttered out of nervousness.

He then looked at you for a couple of moments, cleared his throat again then responded, "I should be the one asking you that. Classes are proceeding and you are not in any of those classes. May I ask why?"

It's strange. Why is he so different inside this dream?

"U-Uh, I wasn't feeling well. So I thought I could take a rest. . ." You switched your gaze around the garden as you felt heart beating fast. "-here." You continued.

"Well then, I guess I understand considering your situation now. . ." You quickly look back at him. And met with his dark-gray galaxies blankly staring back at you. However, you didn't notice his slight gaze at your ID.

What does he mean by my 'situation now? You thought.

"As the School Monitor, I'll let you do this once. But I suggest you go to the infirmary to check--" You felt your whole body froze when he slowly leaned towards you as if he was checking something at you.

His scent lingered as he gaze at you ID but his expression remained the same. After a couple seconds. Your whole body froze even more when he continued his response to you, slowly leaning back to his earlier position,

"--your condition, y/n. You probably got lost since your a just new student here. The clinic is just near the library, Miss l/n. "

You didn't realize that he already left after that moment. As your system process everything, mainly to the part where your crush Minro Tadashi, stated your name as if he only found it out just a few seconds ago.

Like he have forgotten you.

Or like he doesn't know even you.

He even thought you were a transferee here.

You felt your one hand softly touching the left part of your chest, as you listened to your heartbeat quietly. And as it stings slightly, you realized that his effect on you. . .wasn't the same anymore even in this dream.

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