Sarcasm (Cheater!Levi x Depressed!Suicidal!Reader)

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(This clearly mentions suicidal thoughts and actions, and bad language. So if youre sensitive to that kind of stuff, I suggest you dont read. This is a songfic by the way.)

You've got me shaking from the way you're talking

My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

What a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes

If I had common sense I'd cut myself or curl up and die

* * *

"L-Levi?" you stuttered out, the edges of your beautiful (e/c) irises filling with tears. You had found your beloved boyfriend of 3 years having sex with another woman in YOUR bed.

"M-miss? I swear it's not what it looks like..." the petite woman under him chirped.

"It's exactly what it looks like," you say, your hands forming into balls. You were shaking from the anger boiling your blood. You didn't want to cry.... Oh no... You wanted to kill him.


Blood surronded you on the bathroom floor. But yet again, you contiued to slash at your poor wrists. You wanted to die. Thats it. You quick locked the door as you heard the front door of your boyfriend and your apartment click open.

"(Y/N)! I bought your shitty food from (favorite fast food place)!" Levi said in his normal monetone voice.

No reply..... Levi went on a search for you, until he reached the bathroom door. He fiddled with the knob, but to your avail the door did not budge.

"(Y/N)! Open the goddamned door!" Levi screamed, then finally decided on just kicking the damned thing in, revealing you, passed out, razor in hand, in your own puddle of blood. He nurtured you back to health over the following weeks.

*End of Flash-Back*

"I shouldve died." you said, storming out.

* * *

Sticks and stones could break my bones

But anything you say will only fuel my lungs

* * *

The days passed and you were forced to come back to the apartment. You couldn't afford a new place. You two fought, and fought, and fought. Some of which did include physical violence.

But whenever he called you a bitch, or any other crude things, it only fueled you to fight back.

* * *

Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts

If this is love I don't wanna be loved

You pollute the room with a filthy tongue

Watch me choke it down so I can throw it up.

* * *

"All you have been is a bitch!" Levi yells at you.

"Levi, I dont want to be loved by you anymore!" you yell at him, your voice beginning to crack.

"It's not like you ever were," he replied and walked out.

You choked out a sob as it did hurt. You had loved him up until the night he was with that.... Pig. You had to admit she was beautiful. Ginger hair fell to her shoulders sweeping over her forehead, just above her twinkling amber orbs. You had been very busy, you had bags under your eyes, and your (h/l) (h/c) locks were unbrushed. Tears spilled down your flushed (s/t) cheeks.

* * *

Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts

If this is love I don't wanna be hanging by the neck

* * *

And that night you did it. You killed yourself. Levi found you when he came home from work, he found your beautiful body lying on the kitchen floor, a knife in your limp hand. A thin, streak of blood ran across your slit throat. Your (h/c) locks soaked up blood from the puddle surronding you. Your once sparkling (e/c) orbs covered by eyelids. Levi felt a pang of guilt stab him as sharp as a knife. You killed yourself because of him. He hurt you, and all you had done was love him. Your pale lips were parted, and all levi wanted to do was kiss them. So he did, and for a second he thought they were still warm, but you were gone.

"I-i'm sorry, (Y-y/N).... I'm sorry.." he choked out in between sobs. But sorry couldn't fade the knotty kiss of death lingering before him.

* * *

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