Zach finally got a phone and a personal computer from his parents. He never asked, he never mentioned, but he recieved for being a good boy as he believes.

Zach still has yet to make another friend.


It was the middle of summer vacation, Zach going into junior year, he had gotten used to where everything was in the school he went to. Zach was playing random games on his personal computer, until he met someone by the username, "LionGuyx" (great username I know lol)

Zach's username was, "Wackiester" (i Am amAzinG AT USernAmES woW)

LionGuyx was the very first person he had made friends with online and Zach was very relieved that he was able to at least make a friend, albeit, it was just someone online and it could be anyone. The two of them talked nonstop and found that they had a lot in common. They chatted about random interests, not disclosing too much personal information.

In a matter of just a month, Zach had gotten very attached to this person who he had just met online. He was so happy to have someone to talk to again, so much so that he had a strange feeling in his chest. It wasn't fear or anxiety, it was something indescribable to him. It was a warm sensation that made him beyond happy.

One day, LionGuyx decided to ask what Zach's real name was in Discord after they finally got bored of playing Minecraft Hunger Games.

Zach: "my name is zach"

Zach: "how about you?"

LionGuyx: "my name is leo"

Zach paused. He then thought to himself, "Ehhh there's many Leos out there I'm sure."

Zach: "mind if i ask what your last name is leo? if that doesnt sound too creepy i mean"

Leo: "uhhh okay"

Leo: "haden"

Leo Haden

Zach then paused again. That was the exact last name that his first ever only friend had. What was the coincidence that they had met again, but this time, online?

Zach's heart was pounding very fast and he felt like he had won the lottery. To find that his beloved long lost friend has somehow been redirected to him.

Zach then paused again. "What if he doesn't remember me?"

In the span of his thoughts trailing all around his mind, Zach then watched as Leo typed another message to send.

Leo: "since i told you my last name whats your last name?"

Zach: "martham."

Zach waited and waited for a reply, silently hoping that Leo at least recognized the name.

Leo: "wait zach? is that you? from 4th grade???"

Zach's heart was racing so fast for a strange reason. Zach had finally found Leo after many years and he feels very nervous.

With arms and fingers of jello, Zach replied.

Zach: "holy crap yes leo its me i missed you so much!"

Zach didn't know how else to reply and he didn't want to sound like he was freaking out too much.

Leo: "omg wait no way"

Leo: "i missed you so much too wtfff"

Leo: "do u wanna call right now?"

Leo: "i want to make sure that you're the real deal heh"

Zach stared at the message and was a bit reluctant as he has never once called in his life. He then thought "why not?" and agreed to call.

When the other picked up the call, an awkward and silent pause occured. Leo then broke the ice and spoke first.

Leo : "Hey... it's been such a long time!"

Zach : "Yeah... and woah, Leo, your voice has gotten so much deeper!"

Leo : "Haha, yeah! Your's too!"

Zach : "It's been how long... 7 years since we've last talked?"

Leo : "That sounds crazy now that you mention it. I am so sorry though, out of nowhere my parents decided to move houses during springbreak! I really didn't want to leave." Zach can just imagine the sad face from the emotion of his voice as strange as that sounds.

Zach was relieved that Leo was in fine condition as he had thought something worse had happened.

Leo : "Close to the end of summer vacation, we'll be moving back because of my mom and dad or whatever. Do you still live near there?"

Zach : "Yeah, that means I'll get to see you again in person! But wait... what highschool do you think you'll go to after summer vacation ends?"

Leo : "I think it'll be Princeton Highschool"

Zach : "No way, I'm going to that highschool too!"

Leo : "Dude, that's crazy! Do you wanna meet after summer vacation is over?"

Zach : "I would love nothing more."

And the conversation went on until eventually, Leo decided to ask if Zach wanted to video call, curious to know how he looks after many years. Hopping into the call, Zach was first to speak again.

Zach : "Wait, before you say anything, I know, my hair looks like a mess."

Leo : "Relax, mine is a mess too."

Zach : "Your hair looks fine to me."

Leo : "Then so does your's haha."

Zach : "Eh, whatever you say.

Zach : "But wow, you've changed a lot."

Leo : "What, did I get uglier?"

Zach : "No no no! You've gotten more..."

Zach tried to find the right words without sounding weird.

Leo : "More..?"

Zach : "Um... uh-"

Leo : "Well, for you, I think you've gotten more handsome."

Zach then felt embarassed.

Zach : "U-Uh, well, I think that about you too." Zach said shyly.

Zach was really embarassed for whatever reason.

Leo : "Heh, thank you, but I can't wait to meet you again in person soon."

Leo was smiling brightly.

Zach : "Yeah... me too!"

Leo : "..."

Zach : "..."

Leo : "Hey, um... is it weird to say that these past 7 years, all I could think about was you?"

Leo : "Wait, sorry, that sounded way too cheesy-" Zach cut him off.

Zach : "I um... you were the one I could only think about too."


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