raw thoughts #4

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okay the first thing that came into my mind was when I mentioned

how we don't really use snapchat a lot

the last thing I recall from it was when we planned to go for a walk in the trails

we both had it rough, climbing uphill just to get to the destination

it was extra rough when we decided to run for a bit as well

I was and still am out of shape,

never again

and the fact we had to walk back home too

but despite the struggles,

I still was glad I went out and did it with you

the walk back home was really fun too!

then I got to have some of your custom fruit salad you made,

what was more fun was when we did nothing except watch

that movie to recharge.

thank you for taking me out and trying a to get me on that healthy lifestyle

thank you for listening to me talk that night before as well as opening up more too.

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