Chapter One (Aiko's P.O.V.)

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I can't see my reflection.

Probably because I don't have one.

I guess it's easy to live this way, if I had a life to begin with. I tried to tap my fingers through the glass, yet my hand went completely through. I stared at my see-through self, wondering what it would be like to be seen. I turned around and walked down the streets of Tokyo, living out another boring day. People passed through me as I walked, a feel of wind moving through my body. It was weird when this first happened, but I've grown accustomed to it.

My name is Aiko. Don't ask about it; even I don't know. All I know is that my name is Aiko, and Aiko is me.

I've probably spent around seventeen years like this, but with such a boring life, who could keep track? Walk around, sneak food out of a convenience store, walk around some more, and sleep on top of the roof of a building. That was what I did every day, and of course I would be bored with the same routine over and over again.

I think that ghosts can't feel pain, but every time I see a mother and child holding hands and laughing together, a sharp feeling stabs at my chest. What was this?

I decided to ignore it as a mother and son passed through me, and floated towards the roof of a building. The view would always be amazing at night; the lights glimmering like artificial stars in all sorts of colors.

Staring at the ground tonight, however, I wasn't in the mood to admire the lights today. The whole afternoon I tried to get people's attention, but it was fruitless. All I accomplished was stealing a bag of peanuts from a three year old. I sighed, the breeze ruffling at my locks of hair.

A crow landed next to me, pecking at the bag of nuts. I glanced at it, suddenly having a thought. "Hey, can you see me?" I waved my hand in front of its face. Of course, I was ignored, and it continued to eat the food that I stole.

I sighed, "Why must I be so alone?" As if answering my question, a loud crashing sound was made under my feet. I peered from above, watching the interesting scene.

"Minho! Great job, now they're going to find us!" A voice shouted.

"Sorry, but you're the one who wanted to explore around a bit," Another replied, hissing under his breath.

I decided that this might be slightly interesting, so I decided to grab the bag from under the bird's beak and walked down the windows to get a closer look. "Hm," I murmured, watching a group of five men skittering through the city.

"Key, I'm hungry!" One cried out, clutching at his stomach.

"Shh, Taemin, the fans will find us!" A blonde whispered, "We can't be discovered now when we're so close to buying instant noodles."

"I feel like a ninja," The fifth one smiled.

"This is actually kind of funny," I mumbled, giggling at their hilarious actions. If they were hiding from fans, wouldn't that make them famous? I've only seen famous people on T.V.; no I don't sneak into peoples' houses to watch them.

"SHINee members, fighting!" They cheered together.

So, a group called Shiny? What an interesting choice for a name. They're not exactly wearing sparkling outfits, nor do they shine like Edward when he steps into sunlight.

Yes, people watch Twlight in Japan.

"Minho, you're going to stand outside and make sure no one knows of our existence, okay?" One told another, patting him on the shoulder, and escaping into the store. The other three followed him, and Minho, I was assuming, stood outside the building, leaning against the wall.

He actually wasn't that bad looking; charismatic eyes that stared at everything they saw, and light, fluffy brown hair. "I'm starving..." He rubbed his hands together.

I landed onto the ground, walking towards him. "He looks fun to tease," I spoke to myself, thinking of all the pranks I could pull, "I could pull at his hair, run off with his shoe..."

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of him. His eyes stared into mine, which almost gave me the hope that he saw me. "Okay, what should I do?" I said out loud, tilting my head in amusement. I decided to hold out my bag of peanuts, seeing what his reaction would be if he saw a floating bag in the air.

He took it from my hand, and popped a nut in his mouth. I gaped at him.

"Excuse me," Words came out of his mouth, and I nearly stepped back in shock. "Do you need anything?"

I looked around to see if there was anyone here he was talking to, but no one replied. He continued to gaze at me, not removing me from his line of sight. "W-What?" I spoke softly. "You see me?"

"Oh no," His brow furrowed, "A fan found us! Mission abort!" He shouted.

"Wait!" I waved my hands wildly, "I'm not a fan, in fact, I'm the opposite!"

"You hate us?" Minho frowned, "You're not planning to play any pranks that you were talking about earlier, right?"

"H-He hears me..." My hands covered my mouth in surprise. "He sees me..."

"What do you mean?" He reached out to me, trying to grab at my shoulder. His hand passed straight through my body, and I felt the wind flow through once more.

"I'm sorry..." I said, and ran as fast as I could.

I saw his eyes widen in shock, and I did not need to know what was going to come out of his mouth. A tear leaked from my eye, and tumbled down my cheek.

He saw me.

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