Chapter 1- The Punishment

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  "Situmo, why are you always the last person to wake up? " Wei Wei said.
  "You know this is the fourth time we are late for Professor Zhou's class " Fatty Liu said after looking at Situmo.
  "Why are you always nagging me? It's better to hurry up and stop talking about my sleeping pattern!" Situmo replied curling her lips.
  "Come on guys... Lecture started 15 minutes ago, we better hurry up and walk fast otherwise it will be too late for any normal punishment",Yang said pushing Fatty Liu from behind.

Situmo, the leader of the gang 'Red Chasers', with bright sunny eyes and small face had mid length brown curly hairs, was passionate, childish and yet the lazy one in the group.

Yang Yang, intelligent, handsome, tall, brown eyes, beautiful alluring smile with cute dimples was the only one in 'Red Chasers' who was diligent and the sincere one. He had a secret crush on Situmo but never confessed.

Liu Zhang also called Fatty Liu was Yang Yang's roommate and third chaser of the group. He always used his stomach instead of brain and was a silly boy living all his teen years at the best.

Li Wei Wei, cute, room mate of Situmo with long black hairs always tied up in high pony, was a blissful girl and the fourth chaser of the group.

All four of them were friends since high school and were studying in famous university in Shanghai doing major in Forensic Pathology and wanted to establish an investigating company of their own, Red Chasers.
This was the fourth time they were late for Professor Zhou's class, only because of Situmo's laziness. She was always getting up late and going late to the bed and the whole group was fed up of her habit.
It was early spring and day was bright and sunny but not for the chasers. The four reached the corridor, almost out of breath because of running. Professor Zhou was already taking attendance and they decided to enter slowly through the back door, trying not to get caught.
But who knew that they were already spotted by Professor Zhou.

  "Situmo, roll no 1546, Situmo" Professor Zhou yelled.
  "I think you should say yes at least if you are walking in quietly from the back door of the class", said Professor Zhou with a deep shallow voice, without even looking up from his register.

Situmo and her gang, walking low and hiding behind the desks trying not to make noice, suddenly realized that Professor Zhou was referring to them. They all stopped walking and stood straight up in the back of the class.
Everyone in the class turned around in their desks and started murmuring.
  "This is the fourth time in this Month" Miss Lee said in a low voice to her friend.
  "This time they won't be walking out without a big punishment " Chang mentioned, laughing out.
  "Look at his face " Zen said to Chang pointing towards Professor Zhou.
  "Everyone keep quiet! And you four come here in front of the class, let's hear another excuse of yours" Professor Zhou yelled on top of the class, in his high pitched tone.

Professor Zhou was one of the most cold blooded, expressionless, bad tempered, big mouth teacher and had a thousand year old cold mountain face. He was the head of the forensic Pathology Department. Everyone in the college knew of his evil and harsh punishments. He had a certain set of rules for each batch and for second year, his one major rule was to be on time, which our group Red Chasers already broke four times.

  "So what is it this time, another loose dog got in your dorm and ran with your backpack?" Professor Zhou said in a taunting way.
  "Sir, this time we don't have an excuse, something truly happened with us" Fatty Liu said.
  "Ha ha, of course, we all believe you and all of your incidents. Let's see how your karma gave you an actual excuse for being late" Professor said, putting his register down and glaring at the four.

  "Sir, when we were coming for the class we heard a sound and saw someone unknown and dressed mysteriously in the corridor of our dorm. Then we started following him but he disappeared. I think it was a ghost roaming in our dormitories. We are all familiar with the ghost stories of our dorm." Wei Wei replied.
  "Yes sir, this was a real ghost " Situmo said adding on to Wei Wei's statement.
  "Yes yes, of course, it must have been the ghost of the skeleton of our department lab!" Professor Zhou said.
Everyone in the class burst out in laughter.

  "Keep quiet!" Professor Zhou screamed at the batch.
  "Yes sir, you are right, it most certainly was the ghost of that skeleton. Maybe he was sad because of all the experiment lessons you have performed on him for the past 10 years. He wanted you to tell you to stop those lessons through us and that's why he came to meet us" Fatty Liu said in a shrill voice.
  "Or may be, he wanted you to listen to all those lessons carefully, so that, his sacrifice will not go in vain" Professor Zhou replied in a taunting way.
Whole class started laughing so loud that it would be difficult to listen over them if the bell rang.

  "You guys should be ashamed of yourself. Your parents work hard, only to send you in this prestigious college and you guys are roaming here and there and missing all of your classes." Professor Zhou said scolding them.
  "And you Yang Yang? You are the topper of this class, so intelligent and yet you are also missing your classes and hanging out with these three. Do you have any idea of how it's going to affect your studies? Don't you want to start preparing for the selection examination for Research and Development? " Professor Zhou said to Yang Yang in a disappointed voice.
The four of them lowered their heads and started looking at each other.

  "But sir, why don't you believe us? We are really telling you the truth" Situmo said.
  "Because this is again a new excuse of yours and moreover there is no such thing as ghost in this world. Now, moving on to the punishment for the four of you; I want you to perform an autopsy on a real corpse and I want the report in the next two days" Professor Zhou declared in his evil tone.

  "But sir we are just second year students. How can we perform a real body experiment? And also from where will we get a dead body?" Wei Wei said pleading to the Professor.
  "No ifs and buts, and you better go to your seats otherwise your punishment will be more dreadful" Professor Zhou stated in his wicked tone.
All four of them reached their seats, with their horrific and shocked faces, sat down but the whole discussion already took nearly a hour and class was about to be over in the next few minutes.
  "How is it possible to get a real dead body" Fatty Liu said leaning over to Yang Yang's.
  "Let's think about it after class" Yang replied.

The class dismissed and the four of them went to their favorite spot, that is, the college ground. They sat down and started discussing their punishment.

  "Where are we going to find a real dead body for the experiment? It's completely impossible" Fatty Liu said to the others.
  "But it's a punishment and we need to find a solution soon. Professor will never change our punishment. It's better to accept it and think about it. " Yang replied in a gentle way.
  "I think we should ask Professor to help us in finding a real dead body. May be he can arrange that for us. " Fatty Liu said positively.
  "Are you crazy? It's a punishment given by him. The only thing left for him to arrange for us, is a suspension letter, nothing more nothing less " Wei Wei said.
  "I think we can arrange a dead body if we contact a mafia gang, they can give us a body of someone that they came across recently because, other than mafia gang we won't be able to find anybody lying dead on the street, also if it's a success then we will know the reason of death beforehand by asking the mafia gang" Situmo said feeling proud to have come up with that idea.
  "It's not possible to find any mafia gang and even if we are able to then we can't ask them for a dead body" Yang said.
  "Also we don't have enough money. I heard that mafia gang only gives body in return of a big amount. So that doesn't seem possible." Wei Wei remarked.
  "Then we need to find a dead body by ourselves from someplace where we can get a body without all these restrictions... May be a graveyard. It's cheap and reliable and possible" Fatty Liu said jumping Loudly as excitement filled his eyes.
  "First of all, lower down your voice. We are in college ground. And secondly, there may be a lot of security and crowd of visitors in the graveyard at day time" Yang said negatively rejecting Fatty Liu idea.
  "But not in night! Also I know a hospital graveyard of unidentified people and there is not enough security there after 6 o'clock" Situmo said.
  "But how do you know such things? " Wei Wei said.

  "Don't underestimate the power of Situmo! " Situmo said beaming with energy.
  "Okay! Then we will go to this graveyard in night, may be around mid night" Fatty Liu said again in a loud voice.
The three of them looked at him again and shushed him.
  "Fatty Liu and I will arrange everything we need for digging a grave and let's meet at night around 10:30" Yang said like a mentor of the group.
  "Good, then we will take care of other things" Wei Wei said.
  "How about we give a name to this mission? May be 'The impractical search'!" Situmo asked.
  "Sounds amazing" Fatty Liu said.
  "Yeah great, Ok then We'll meet at the college gate. Remember to bring your IDs" Wei Wei said.

After the meeting all four went to their dorms and started preparing for the upcoming mission, while waiting for the dawn.

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