Chapter 2- The Impractical Search

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  "It's already 10:15 pm ,we better hurry up" wei wei said packing her backpack.
  "But how are we going to convince dorm incharge" Situmo replied while yawning on her bed.
  " Yeah it's going to be very difficult" said wei wei glancing at Situmo.
  " Oh, I know! I will act sick and you should tell her that you are taking me to doctor. Ok?"  Situmo said.
  "Ok good idea" wei wei replied.
Situmo and wei wei came out of their dorms and started acting.
  "ah.. ah... wei wei I am feeling not well. I think I am going to faint. I feel like vomiting."
  "Calm down Situmo! You will get better. We are going to the hospital" wei wei said comforting Situmo and putting arms to support her walk.
  "What happened to her? " madam li asked .
  " Mam, Situmo is not feeling well. She has high fever and stomach ache. It looks like she got food poisoning. I am taking her to college doctor for checkup" wei wei replied.
  "You youngsters keep eating instant noodles regularly and deteriorate your health" madam li rebuked.
  "Can we go mam?" Situmo cried with pain.
  "okh okh, go go, hurry up. Take care Situmo " madam li insisted and opened the dorm main gate.
  "thank you madam li" Situmo gushed with a big smile on her face.
They both went so fast that it was difficult to see in which direction they disappeared.
  "Thank god madam li didn't suspect us" Situmo guffawed.

They reached at college gate where fatty liu was waiting for them.
  "Where were you guys? Why are you so late?"
  " We were trying to fool madam li so that she'd let us out. Otherwise it wouldn't be possible for us to come here at this time. Situmo faked sickness"wei wei answered.
  "Okh Okh that's good" fatty liu assented.
  " but where is yang yang?" Situmo asked curiously.
  "He told me to wait here, he will be here soon" fatty liu replied.
  "Okh we will wait for him" wei wei said.
  "Why is he acting all mysterious suddenly? " Situmo was mumbled to herself.
A car came from parking direction and stopped in front of them. It was yang yang who brought the car for them.
  " Guys hurry up, come and sit inside" yang said.
  "Ohh yang it is just scared us to death. How did you come up with this idea?" Situmo gushed.
  "Actually when I was busy in collecting digging tools, I realised we didn't have anything to carry that body. We can't just take that body out in a public bus. Hence I thought I should borrow a car. So that we have our personal transport. I borrowed it from one of our professor." yang declared proudly.
  "Ohh right!! how come I didn't think about that before." Situmo replied puzzling out.
  "Because you are always too busy in sleeping" wei wei teased Situmo.
  "Stop your nonsense wei wei. It's good to have yang yang in our team. He's got the perfect balance of beauty with brain" Situmo gushed blissfully.
  " hey, that's a line for girls not for boys" wei wei argued.
  " So is there some law that I can't use it for boys" Situmo backfired, sarcastically.
  "Okh okh lets go. Stop fighting " fatty liu placated trying to make peace.
Yang felt a gush of blood run through his face and his ears were bright red because, Situmo had just praised him. He liked her so much and had always wanted her attention.
Then all three sat inside and yang drove off to that graveyard.

  " The address seems unknown and strange" wei wei cautioned.
  "Yes, it's totally a remote place. No one would be there, hence it's security is also not good." Situmo agreed.
The night was bright, stars were shining and quite peaceful. They reached at the graveyard. It was certainly a quite remote place. Also strangled and damaged infrastructure was all around the graveyard.
They reached at the front door where they saw a security guard sitting at the front door.

  "See.… there is a security guard but he is sleeping" fatty liu exclaimed.
  "What but.…. it's a good thing for us that he is sleeping, we should hurry up" Situmo assured him.
  "Even though he is sleeping but we can't enter through the front gate. We should go from the back side" yang insisted.
  " Okh good idea" wei wei agreed.
Yang stopped the car at the back door and kept the trunk open. Fatty liu,  wei wei , Situmo took the digging tools out from trunk.
"lets go guys.... " yang urged.
They opened the back door and entered the grave yard. The second they set foot onto the ground they were various different sounds of insects, owl and some bats flew past above them. Since it was a remote place these sounds seemed quite natural.
  " I think I should wait for you guys here. I don't want to go inside" fatty liu urged in fear.
  "Are you insane? Did you messed with your food again? Why are you talking gibberish again? Why are you so scared?" Situmo snapped at him.
  "No I am really scared of dead bodies especially of those in graveyard. I don't want to see so many again" fatty liu blurted.
  "Do you really think these dead bodies are more scary than professor Zhou's evil face" Situmo recounted.
  " Did you forget his punishment ? If we can't fulfill that, it will be more scary for us than these dead bodies. So stop being scared and hurry up." Situmo continued .
  "okh okh stop scaring me more, I am coming!! " fatty liu yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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