Chapter 15: Every Fight Ends

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Selena's POV

"We have her open the doors!"

My eyes flutter open but its still darkness I see. I'm blind folded and my hands are tied.  The car comes to a stop..that's when I hear his dry, scratchy  voice. "Bring her out Nick!"

The back door opens and the man roughly pulls me out, throwing me on the ground, I grunt in pain.  The man pulls off my blind fold dad.

"Untie her hands! She's not to be treated like that you basterds!" 

The man unties my hands. I quickly stand up. This is it Selena, no turning back!

"I'm here, now you release Rick and Glenn. They will be on there way and I'll... I'll stay here."

They all laugh...their nasty breath filling the air.  "You honestly fucking thought I was going to do that? No no Selena...I thought you knew your old dad! Why would I let you and thoes fuckers live? You did nothing but bring hell into my life!" He smirks as if this is funny.

"Grab her! Follow me!"

His men grab me and follow Neagan as he leads.

I wonder where we are going. He goes deeper and deeper into hallways with twist and turnes. He stops at a closed door.

He smirks as he opens the door.

I-I can't believe...what!?

"Carl!" I try to run to him but the men hold me back. I look around and see my loved ones with their hands tied and kneeling on the floor.

"Selena! You let her go now you fucker!" Carl scream.

"Woah we have a potty mouth here!"

"Shut the hell up!" I spat at him. The man who is holding me back presses a knife against my sweaty skin. "You shut the fuck up!" Neagan mocks. 

I look at Rick who is...oh my gosh! He has a piece of sharp wood! He's breaking himself free! I turn my head...Michonne is doing the same thing! We are going to get out of here...alive!

I look at Carl. He gives me a look...the look he gives me when he knows something bad is going to happen. He wiggles his hand to get my attention on his hands..he's doing the same thing Rick and Michonne are doing! Using sharp wood to get themselves free!

I love him! I love him so much!

He turns away from me and sets his eyes on Neagan. His attitude changed drastically just by looking at him.

"Let her go!" He screams.

"One more fucking word and you die!"

The man takes the knife off of me and hands it to Neagan.

I gasp "No! Please! Not him it's me you want remember!"

The room goes silent

"Let her the fuck go!" Carl screams once more causing Neagan to get angry.

"That's it!"  Neagan pulls out his gun and points it at Carl.  "No!" I break free from the mans strong grip and run to Carl.

I jump in front of him and close my eyes. I feel a sharp pain go through my torso.


I fall to the ground week and helpless. Blood gushing out of me like a water fountain.  "C-Carl?" I can barely breath, all I feel is pain. "I'm right here baby! Don't go please!" 

I close my eyes and open then again. All I hear is gun shots...then it stops.

My family gathers around. My cousin sobbing into her husband's shoulder. I'm in Carls arms, my warm blood dripping out all over.

I put my hand on my wound. I wince in pain and quickly pull away. I look up and see Carl. Tears pouring out, wetting my pale skin. I weakly, try to pull the wight of my arm up, I succeed and wipe the tears from his cheek, leaving my blood smeared on his precious tear stained face. Making him cry even more.

"Baby...oh baby why?" He questions stroking my hair. I take a deep breath "I was try...trying to do the r-r-right thing." I struggle to answer.

The pain is dreadful! I dont know how much time I have left.

Carl takes my hand and squeezes tightly.

"Here" he begins, taking out...the note. I struggle to breath.  "Mae...Mae gave this to me...its the note." Carl places it gently by my heart.

"I love you! I fucking love you! Please...Please don't leave...d-dont go!"

More and more tears come from his beautiful blue eyes.

"I l-love you t-too...I'm sorry."

I take one more deep breath


I was...


A month after I died a cure was found. Mae gets to do the thing I wasnt able to do...forget the world we lived in...

Dieing wasn't a punishment it was the get out of that horrible world. It was our fight and we won...

I remember the day I met the love of my life. I remember the farm...the prison. I remember the birth of our beautiful daughter. I remember a lot of things but the one thing I will never ever forget is...

Carl Grimes

The End

The Fight Continues ~ Sequel to Our Courageous Fight~ TwdFanfic~ Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now