romeo and juliet (part I)

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Everyone love a good romance story just like the legendary Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare. I always thought that it was irrelevant to life; how you only met each other once and be head over heels for one another; the idea of dying because of the inability to live without your significant other; and how people see the story as a definition of true love. see? it is completely irrelevant. I believe you move on with your life when death calls your partner just like what the wedding vows state "till death do us part", that's a concept of remarrying and finding another person to grow old with. I believe that it will take time before you fall in love with someone's soul; love at first sight? that only exists in movies, it is absolutely extraneous. And lastly, I object that Romeo and Juliet is the definition of true love, again it is IRRELEVANT, simply because if Romeo loved Juliet, he could've waited for her to wake up, he could've lived his life for her when he believed she was dead, he could've hoped. But he didn't, and Juliet did the same.

"This was written in Rome's paper after watching Romeo and Juliet and it was slightly similar to July's writing." said Eve, Rome's step mother who happens to be their professor in literature.

"Did you say July's writing? you mean July Ford?" Adam was intrigued. Adamuel is the husband of Evening Havens. "So you mean Rome and July have the same concept of love? Like our Rome and July who grew up together in this shitty little town?"

"watch your language, this town isn't shitty, it's interesting" Eve argued.

"well you study English Lit, so shitty in your vocabulary is of course interesting" Adamuel said before giving a goodnight kiss.

"well it's interesting because you're here" said Eve in a sweet manner.

Adamuel remarried a year after Rome's biological mother died. His first wife was a huge fan of William Shakespeare, and her favorite book was Romeo and Juliet; that is why she named Rome after Romeo. And Every night she would tell Rome the love story of Romeo and Juliet so that someday he will find the Juliet of his life. But when she passed away, Rome watched his father move on and continued to live for her, his father didn't die for her just like Romeo did, Adam accepted that death would part them and remarried a year after. Maybe that explains Rome's essay about Romeo and Juliet. but Rome wasn't the reason why Adam was having a hard time sleeping; Adam wasn't bugged by the thought of Rome's essay, he wasn't even intrigued by Rome's essay at all.

"That was Rome's reason but what about July? July's home is filled with joy and love, I just don't understand why the happy kid I see everyday sees love that way." Adam uttered while Eve has dozed off. "Oh Evening, why'd you have to make them write these papers, papers like these are puzzles and riddles for a prosecutor like me."

Adam couldn't sleep and it's been half an hour and he was so curious that he looked for July's paper. "I'm going to regret this" he supposed before he read the paper since it is none of his goddamn business.

I believe in love in all possible ways but In my opinion Romeo and Juliet is extraneous enough when we talk about reality. I grew up in a home filled with love, too much love that is scares me. Romeo and Juliet according to many was the definition of true love, but not quite for me. If you love someone, you let them go, you respect their peace, you respect their happiness. but Romeo surrendered; Romeo wanted to be with her even if it means in heaven, Romeo followed Juliet to death, even when it was foolish bravery in my opinion. Romeo did not respect her peace at all, he was selfish and so was she. But dying in each other's arms I must say is a very nice ending but it does not give justice to their story. They went through more than that and death was their destination, it is completely irrelevant. Loving sometimes means letting go, even when you're too selfish to keep them.

And in Adam's mind he knew the story he was reading. For a prosecutor like him, it's easy to know truths just by reading stories. flashbacks filled Adam's mind and he spent the night configuring July's story.

"You up already?" Eve said in a shocked manner.

"Yeah I was.. you know reading"

"Reading what? My students' papers about Romeo and Juliet?" Eve suddenly became curious about what Adam was up to.

"I'm going to be honest, It's July. I was intrusive I admit, but I just couldn't get it, I catch her every morning in that bike smiling on her way to school, I see her laugh all the time with Rome... soo um I'm curious how a cheerful person can see love so negatively... to love means to let go? I mean does that ring a bell to you?" Adam spoke in a very serious way, like he was figuring out a case.

Eve suddenly went silent, she was out of words, too shocked to know what to say.

"What if... you know... I mean Rome talks to July, they grew up together so maybe July wrote that because that's what Rome said" defended Eve.

"You're an English Major for Christ sake, you would know that a girl like that won't even be affected by anyone's opinion." Adam's voice was beginning to escalate louder and he was annoyed by Evening turning a blind eye when she isn't the type to do that.

"watch the language I —"

"You were stuttering." Adam cut her off. "What if... you know?? Eve, You don't stutter." Adam never saw Eve this way, she's an English Major, she always had something to say and is very fluent but now she's at a lost for words and is stuttering, and Adam is beginning to wonder what's going on in her head.

"I'm just really shocked how we are arguing about this honey" Eve said with a guilty expression.

"You know something don't you? Come on Evening, July is like my daughter, she is my son's bestfriend and she always spend her time with us, so please just say it, you're hiding something I know you"

Eve was beginning to tear up, she knew she needed to say something.

"Adam, I — Adam I'm so sorry."

"Sorry about what?" Adam said with a confused face

"before we got married I fell in love with Jan, we had an affair but it was a long time ago it was before we got married and yeah we were a couple and he was married but I didn't know what to do, I love him but he has a family and you happened to propose and maybe that was a sign I needed to move on and —"

"do you still love him Evening? Do you still love July's father?" Adam almost broke in tears but still contained it, he didn't want to look weak but he felt like he was losing another love of his life.

"I... I don't know"

Adam couldn't handle what he was hearing. Romeo and Juliet, his first wife's favorite novel was the key to unravel the secrets of his current love. And just like that, his whole world turned upside down.

long story short, Adamuel knew their marriage with Evening was not going to work out, so they sorted out a divorce for their peace. According to July, Love means letting go, Even when you are too sefish to keep them, and that's what they did.

And for people who are asking, what's Rome and July's story? what happened to them?

to be continued.

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