C H A P T E R 31

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"Jennie! Pass!"

Jennie kicked the ball but tripped a bit, one of her teammates ran too fast and couldn't stop she pushed Jennie making Jennie fall and slide on the ground. The grass was wet because it rained last night and this morning.


"Jennie! I'm sorry!"

Jennie held her knee in pain.

"Jennie so sorry! I couldn't stop! I should of just  fall instead of pushing! I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright"

"Lisa and Chaeyoung bring Jennie to the clinic" Coach said examining the cut.

"It's bad isn't it?"

"Yes your cut is big on your leg plus it has dirt and some rock in it" Coach said shaking his head.

Lisa and Chaeyoung help Jennie up.

"I think you can't play soccer for awhile"

"Jennie I'm sorry"

The girl looked down with tears in her eyes. Jennie sighed.

"It's fine I'll just call Jisoo" Jennie mumbled the last part out.

Everybody heard it though their ears perked up hearing Jisoo's name. "Why are you going to call Jisoo?"

"So she can bring me home"

"Your going to the clinic to get that treated" Lisa pointed out.

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are your leg is going to get infected" Chaeyoung said.


It was too late Jennie was supporting on Lisa and Chaeyoung and couldn't control where there going to go.




"Are you Mrs. Kim"

"Umm yeah"

"Your wife—"

"What happened to her?!"

"She has a big cut but refuses to get it treated"

"What?! How?!"

"She was playing soccer and slid on the grass. The grass was wet making it easy for her to slide. She now has a huge cut on her lower leg and refuses to get treated we can't force her"

"Ah I see"

"We wonder if you can bring her to the hospital her wound seems a bit on the critical side"

"Yeah of course! I'm coming right away!"


Jisoo hung up grabbing her suit jacket struggling to wear it. The door suddenly opened

"Boss the important meeting is in 10 minutes"

"Cancel it"

"What?! Why?! It'll boost the company with its stocking including—"

"Look my wife is more important to me"

Jisoo grabbed a folder walking towards her assistant.

"Go to the meeting and tell them I couldn't be there because of a emergency okay?"

"Y-Yes boss"

"Good I'm counting on you"

"I-I won't let you down boss!"

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