We're So Sorry, Luan! (part 2 of 2)

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*As Terra and Luan searched the creek, they found 15 Male and 16 more female wolves. Some of those females were expecting to have pups. After Terra called Beast Boy on her communicator, Slash and Spitz jumped out along with Shentani, Arrow and the werehyenas. Samantha growled, while Spitz growled back. He tried to attack Luan, but Samantha went under him and bit him on the neck and wrestled him down with her enhanced strength. She slammed the Akita across the ground. Little did they know, the sisters were watching in horror.*

Leni: That was just like us.......!

Luna: You mean when we fought.......?!

Leni: Yes! But this is worse!

*Suddenly, they saw something else happened, and it is too horrifying to put into words, but let's just say, Samantha was badly hurt. Spitz then charged at Luan, bit her ankle and dragged her to the creek. The sisters watched in horror and ran to the water. The Titans tried to stop them, but they pushed them away. Leni dove in and so did Luna. While doing so, Spitz was about to finish off Samantha, when suddenly, Niko slammed him away from her and tackled him. While Samantha was slowly getting up, she saw Niko fighting off Spitz, Leni and Luna swimming to save Luan, and the sisters, her master and the Titans fighting off Slash, Shentani and Arrow. Then, the rest of the wolves joined in the fight. After the villains were defeated, the heroes saw Leni and Luna pull Luan to shore.*

Terra:*scared* LUAN?!?!?!?!?!?!

*I'm sorry to say, Luan nearly lost oxygen. She was unconscious. Soren was doing his best to revive her, while the sisters were shocked and heartbroken. Tears were rolling down their cheeks and they felt guilt in their hearts. They started praying for a miracle.*

Leni: Oh God, please don't take Luan away from us! We're sorry for everything we've done to her!

Luna: Luan, please don't die on us!

*As the sisters were saying their prayers, the others now felt sorry for them.*

Terra: Don't worry, girls! Luan will live!

Lola: But we lost our 2 sisters! And it's all our faults!

*Suddenly, Luan coughs up water.*

Six Sisters: LUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

*They ran to hug her, but Luan pushed them away and now started blaming herself.*

Luan: Please don't touch me......! I've said those things to you and......!

Leni: Luan, you had every right to say those things to us! Because we deserved it! If any of us were in your shoes, we'd do the same!

Luna: She's right, Luan! We were blinded by our anger, because we actually believed you, Lori and Lynn did it, only to discover it was our former parents! Even kicking me in the ankle opened my eyes! Can you ever forgive us?!

Luan: Only if you forgive me! Especially, since I'm not your sister anymore.....!

Lola: Of course, Luan! Even though you're not a Loud anymore, you're still a sister to us!

Leni: As Long as Terra and the others are taking care of you and we know that they make you happy, then we're happy too!

*Luan smiled with tears in her eyes and hugged them and they returned the hug while the others smiled with tears in their eyes. They were unaware that Lori and Lynn's spirits were smiling at them before they vanished and went back to heaven.*

Note: Well, that was a heartwarming chapter I did, but don't worry, there will be more soon, so don't go away.......!

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