The Final Twist

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*A few days after they returned to Jump City, California, Luan was ungrounded and Terra decided to take Luan fishing, so Beast Boy let Terra borrow his jeep. And before anyone asks, yes, Terra has driven stick before. Anyways, they left at 4:00 A.M. and Luan was asleep in the car while Terra drove with the headlights on. By the time they reached the truck stop/gas station, it was 7:00 A.M. and Luan had woken up while Terra parked the jeep in front of a gas pump.*

Terra: Good morning, Luan! How did you sleep?!

Luan: Good.....! *yawns* What time is it.........?!

Terra: It's 7 AM, Luan! As soon as I fill the jeep up, we'll eat at Ben's and get some breakfast, which is right in this truck stop.

Luan: Sounds good, Momma Terra.......!

*As soon as the jeep was full, Luan and Terra went inside and had breakfast.*

Pam: Good morning, Terra! I see you brought your sister/daughter here!

Terra: Yep! This is Luan! Let's not remind her of what happened.

Pam: Don't worry, darlin', I won't!

*And Terra ordered two usuals, which were pancakes, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and sausages. After they paid and tipped Pam, they went to wash up and got back in the jeep and they got back on the road. When they got to the lake, they were fishing. Luan felt a tug on her pole and it was heavy.*

Luan: MOMMA TERRA!!!!!!!!!! I CAUGHT SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!

Terra: QUICK, LUAN!!!!!!!!! REEL IT IN!!!!!!!!!!!

*When she did, it was a big one. It was a female trout and she was huge! Terra took a picture of it and they released her back into the lake, since they know not to harm nature. After the day ended, they went back home. When they got there, Luan was in for a big surprise. They went into the living room and saw one of the North African gray wolves, female, waiting for her. She had been saved from the wrath of Arrow and Slash.*

Luan: Can we keep her, Momma Terra?!

Terra: That's up to your Beast Daddy and Robin.*

Robin: Actually, we've been talking about it while you guys were gone and we've decided to keep her anyways!

Luan: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leni: So, what do you want to name her, Luan?!

Luan: Sasha!

Lola: Shasha.....! Wow......! That's a good name!

*A few years later, Luan was now 18 years old. One more year and then she will graduate from high school. She would also be off to a community college close to home, where they have art classes and culinary arts as well. The adjules were given another chance for survival and were released in Lemuran and the rest of the North African gray wolves were rescued by the zoo. Spitz was also rescued by the McDuncans and was no longer aggressive or mean. He was also no longer Samantha and Niko's enemy. Terra and Beast Boy were engaged and decided to make Luan their official daughter. Rita and Lynn Sr. were sent back to jail and their sentence was reduced to life in prison without parole. Samantha and Niko had pups as well as Sasha. Raven and Isaac were also engaged and so were Starfire and Robin and Cyborg and Bumblebee. They were unaware that Bulco was watching being summoned by Charlotte Wilson, who was pretending to ground Slash, who also wanted revenge, but that's another story............!*

Note: Well, this is it! I will do my sequel soon, so stay tuned for that!


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