we'll make it work

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(A/N) guys I know I should finish other fanfics first BUT I LOVE THIS CONCEPT AND I HOPE YOU DO TOO!🥰

Magnus's pov
"YOU'RE GAY?!" My father screeches loudly, as my mother just sets there shocked. Even though I CLEARLY stated I was bisexual all he heard was I like men. Ignorant ass.

"I prefer the term bisexual, but yes I like dick father." I spite sarcastically making it very aware of how annoyed I am.

"Why are you telling us this?" My mother finally speaks, I can tell she's less than enthused though I could give a fuck less.

"Homophobia is not a good look mother." I say with a wink and a smirk. She only scowls at me, god I love pissing her off.

"Anyways I'm telling you this because I also want men to be involved in the selection along side women." I propose excitedly clapping my hands.

"Okay." My dad says with a shrug, see this is why he's my favorite. "What?!" My mother screeches I roll my eyes her opinion doesn't really matter anyways my dad truly holds the power my mother is a consort.

"I don't see a problem Elise." My dad replies to my mother with a cool expression. "How will he produce an heir if he chooses a male?" My mother bites back, making her disgust clear. My dad and me both roll our eyes, it's not like we're the richest family in illea or anything.

"well adoption is a thing, also surrogacy. We can make something work." My dad replies in a duh tone. Thank you! I swear my mother is so small minded.

"Well you like women right?!" My mother asks me, I nod confused I thought I already made that clear. "Why can't you just have women involved than?"

is she dumb? I swear to whatever god is out there, "well mother I want a chance to find my true love and excluding another gender narrows my chances of finding them." I state simply.

"as long as you're happy, I'm fine with it!" My dad says clapping his hands together. "I'm going make the arrangements to make this change, I might have another son!" My dad says walking out of the room gesturing me to follow him. I skip out of the room behind my dad, leaving my shocked and disgusted mother behind. I can't believe this is actually happening!

I catch up with my father in the hall, "I'm sorry about my reaction Magnus I was just shocked you've always had such an interest in the female gender. But I'm proud of you this kingdom needs a change and you could do just that." My dad explains, this makes me smile. I love women very much, but men intrigue me very much so.

"It's okay dad I'd be surprised too." I say with a laugh. "Also sorry about your mother she wasn't my first choice, I loved another woman but I had to choose your mother because of status I regret everyday I let small minded people pressure me into such a big decision. I chose the easy way out  instead of what I truly wanted. Don't make the same mistake." My dad explains with pain clear in his eyes.

I chuckle though, "you don't really love mom?" I ask, my dads eyes widen as if he just realized what he had said, "ummm... I care for her i do I just wish things I had played out different." He rants.

"I understand." I say stopping him from going any further. "I won't tell her." I assure him. He smiles and nods thankfully. I return the smile grateful for all he's done for me.

"Let's do this." My dad says, I nod following him into his office where we make up the plan to make an announcement to the public.

Alec's POV

I watch the tv mindlessly as the news anchor goes on and on about the selection all boring and shit as my sister Izzy watches excitedly having already filled out and ready to submit her application to become "the new queen of ilea" I roll my eyes this whole selection thing is is dumb and clearly rigged.

Suddenly the afternoon news is interrupted by a important announcement from the king. The camera flicks from the news desk to the palace, where king Midas and prince Magnus sit in front of the camera.

"I, king Midas and my son prince Magnus have decided on making to the selection inclusive of all genders. Meaning not only can women submit applications so can men, who are homosexual or otherwise. NO STRAIGHT MEN MAY apply!" The king smiles at the prince and the camera cuts to the news anchor who is clearly shocked along with the whole kingdom. 

I sit there confused and shocked... should I apply?


Much love 💕
- Mikaelsonswhore

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