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The hospital was dead today.. I chuckled to myself as I pulled my iv thing around with me. I should really use different words when I describe the hospital. Two months ago we found out that I had Lung Cancer. We as in my adopted mom Tess and I. The cold hospital floor sent shivers up my spine, you see I refuse to where shoes. I like to be able to feel things considering one day maybe soon, maybe later, I won't be able to feel anymore. I stop in my tracks as I enter my hospital room. Tess stands there with my bag packed and she's smiling holding some clothes folded in her hand. " what's going on? " I asked dragging the iv machine behind me, which I named Leroy by the way I thought you should know that. " you get to come home for a few days! " she smiled, I return a smile but can't help but think that I'm not going home. They say home is where the heart is, and my heart is in a cancer filled body.

I put on the clothing Tess brought me. It was simple, leggings, a black tank top, and a sheer grey knit cardigan. I looked at myself in the mirror. My dark brown hair was thick and naturally curly, but right now it was a complete mess. I put it in a messy bun. I examined my face. I look dead, but the kind of dead where you look like you just haven't slept. You can barely tell I'm sick yet. I haven't lost any hair yet thankfully I've only done three Chemo therapy sessions. My cancer isn't very bad right now.. But they said it could progress or it could just spread. I admit the thought of dying scares me. But the thought of surviving this gives me hope.

" Emily? Are you ready? " Tess lightly tapped on the door. I come out and we head for her car. " can you drop me off at the beach for a bit? I want to go while it's still sort of warm. " Tess nodded and started the car. The weather today was nice. There was a cool breeze but the sun still made it a comfortable temperature.

I stood on the warm sand looking out at the ocean. Sand covered my feet as I wiggled my toes. I inhaled a breath of salt water air and before I could process what happened a big weight hit me and I fell over.
" oh my god! I'm so sorry! " I looked up an seen a blonde boy with perfectly quiffed hair. He was tan and had a really cute smile. He he held out his hand and helped me up. " It's fine " I smiled. " I really am sorry! I'm Matt by the way " he held his hand out again and I shook it,
" I'm Emily ". He smiled at me and my knees when weak. No lying this kid is hot. " can I make it up to you? Like do you wanna go get some ice cream or something? " he said. His face practically screamed guilt.
" sure, I would love ice cream " I smiled.

The sent of vanilla filled my nose as we walked into the ice cream shop. I quickly slipped my shoes on noticing a No Shoes No Shirt No Service sign. We walked up to the counter and Matt ordered a mint chocolate chip triple scoop in a bowl, while I got a double scoop of cookie dough in a bowl with chocolate drizzled over. " I can pay for mine you know " I looked up at him. He was much taller than me. " no it's okay I got it. I owe you. " he smiled. He led me over to a table and we sat down. " so Emily.. Tell me about myself, uh I mean yourself.. Shit. " his cheeks went bright red. I laughed " Well I like to read and write. There's not much to know. I don't really have a life " I gave him a small smile. " what about friends? You have to have friends " he said. I shook my head. " oh. Once I had this friend and she came over everyday. " I started. " what happened? " he looked intrigued. " she died " his eyes went wide. " oh my god Emily I'm so sorry! " I laughed at him.
" I'm kidding " his face went from being serious to absolute laughter.
" I did have a friend though, but she stopped hanging out with me to be popular " all of the sudden Matt moved beside me to playfully punch me in the arm. Then his eyes went directly to the door. His arm swiftly went around my shoulders. " just go along with it " he whispered in my ear and it sent shivers down my spine. He leaned in and crashed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync until a voice interrupted us. " Matt? " we pulled away and looked up. There stood a blonde really tan girl with dark eyebrows. Obviously she dyed her hair. She was pretty though.

" oh hey Carly.." Matt ran his free hand through his hair. A Tall dark haired man walked up to Carly " C'mon Carls " he grabbed her hand. " well uh it was nice seeing you.. " she said to Matt before walking away. He didn't remove his arm until they were out of sight. " okay can you explain what just happened?
" I looked straight into his eyes.
" well Carly and I dated for 8 months, then she cheated in me with that guy Brock. " his face said he didn't care. But his eyes said that it hurt him.
" oh so you were using me to make her jealous? " I nudged him. " you owe me. "

" okay, here I have to go back to my friends but I'm going to give you my number okay? " we switched phones and added our numbers in them. " by the way you're a really good kisser " Matt winked at me and with that he was gone.

Hey! I've decided to make more stories ☺️ it's difficult to focus on a story with so many characters so I'm making them individual now. I will still update my other one but I'm thinking around Chapter 30-35 I'm gonna end " At midnight ". Love you all ⛄️💕

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