Part 3: Self-Assessment; Introduction

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Now that you've had a chance to really think about the 'powerhouse' spiritual gifts; the ones that are obvious to everyone and gather a lot of attention, let's start looking at the rest. These seven gifts of the Spirit aren't going to attract much attention at all, at least in the natural. They are, however, all extremely important to the day-to-day operations of the Church.

In the same way, your pancreas, kidneys, pituitary gland or gall bladder don't really attract anyone's attention- not like your hair, facial features, or other attributes do- your body doesn't function very well at all if they're missing. These gifts are the 'organs' of the Church. They keep her running well and efficient. Without them, the Gathering would be a mess!

Since they are so subtle, it can be difficult to identify them in your own life. The following chapters of this part will help you to determine which of them the Holy Spirit may be using through your life. With every spiritual gift, there are problem areas, where the recipient may fall into temptation or weakness that hinders his or her effective use of the gifts. These are discussed as well, so that you may be aware of what to watch out for when employing your spiritual gifts.

Each of the following seven chapters will be a self-assessment with specific statements regarding the particular gift. You will need pencil and paper for this! You might be able to fit three or four columns to a page.

Here is a sample of how you may want to set up the top of each section:

Title of Spiritual Gift (i.e. Compassion)

0- Never, 1- Seldom, 2- Sometimes, 3- Usually, 4- Mostly, 5- Always

Number the following lines, 1-20, so that you have room to write the number to each statement; you will need to total the number of points you give for each answer.

Total points for gift:____

Problem Areas for (Title of Spiritual Gift)

Number the following lines 1-5, treating the problem area attributes the same way you did above.

Total points for problem areas:_____

Here is a screenshot of the Excel chart to help you understand what you need.

Here is a screenshot of the Excel chart to help you understand what you need

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When you're ready, head to the next part and start the assessment.

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