Part 3: Self-Assessment; The Gift of Exhortation (Encouragement)

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1) Loves to encourage others to live victoriously.

2) Wants a visible response when teaching or speaking. (Wants to see the person they're trying to help so they can gauge the person's reaction.)

3) Prefers to apply truth rather than research it.

4) Prefers systems of information that have practical application.

5) Loves to prescribe precise steps of action to aid personal growth. (Loves to recommend a specific plan for someone to grow in Christ.)

6) Focuses on working with people.

7) Encourages others to develop in their personal ministries.

8) Finds truth in experience and then validates it with Scripture. ("I have found in my life that this is true, and this passage of Scripture confirm it.)

9) Loves to do personal counseling.

10) Will discontinue personal counseling if no effort to change is seen.

11) Is fluent in communication. (Has a large vocabulary and knows how to use it to best convey truths or ideas.)

12) Views trial as opportunities to produce personal growth. (This hardship is helping me grow closer to God and learn to . . .)

13) Accepts people as they are without judging them.

14) Is greatly loved for having a positive attitude.

15) Prefers to witness with life rather than verbal witnessing.

16) Makes decisions easily.

17) Always completes what is started.

18) Wants to clear up problems with others quickly.

19) Expects a lot out of self and others. (Has high expectations.)

20) Needs a 'sounding board' for bouncing ideas and thoughts off from. (Someone else to hear an idea and comment.)

Totals for gift:_____

Typical problem areas of the gift of Exhortation:

1) Tends to interrupt others in eagerness to give opinions or advice.

2) Will use Scriptures out of context to make a point.

3) May be 'cut and dried' in prescribing steps of action. (Cut and dried means oversimplified and 'one size fits all')

4)Is outspokenly opinionated.

5) Can become overly self-confident.

Totals for problem areas:_____

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