Oh No!

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The world around him slowly turned black as he closed his eyes. He breathed deep in and out. He felt stupid, silly, vulnerable and a lot of other things.

It wasn't that he hated himself, per se. He was quite the confident man. But the pure terror he felt at the thought of George hating his looks, was astounding.

"Just turn the camera on, Dream, I don't have all day."

If he didn't know his best friend any better he might've been convinced by the lack of interest. But this was George. The same George that had practically begged for a face reveal not even a week prior. The fact that he even tried to hide his emotions like that, was almost comical. Didn't he realize Dream could see right through him?

Still, he wasn't completely sure why he felt so... so... so nervous all of the sudden. It wasn't a big deal, right? He just found it stupid, he really did. It was just his face,,, but why was he so- so flustered?

Without him thinking about him, his finger slowly moved towards the camera button. He tightly shut his eyes, before opening them. Immediately he put on a facade, as if he hadn't been nervous as fuck just seconds ago.

He pressed the button without another word. Finally, this was his face reveal to George.

And George? He wasn't even looking.

"I'm getting tired, dream," he said, doing something on his computer while his phone was angled at him.

Unconsciously he began to smile at the British man. Here he was, his face revealed, and he wasn't even paying attention. Oh the irony was strong in this one.

Focused George was actually very cute, he found himself thinking. Out of habit, he ignored it and just pushed the thought away, pretending he never even said it in his head. It wasn't as if thoughts like that didn't pop up more often. It was kind of becoming a routine. Waking up, eating and thinking George was cute. Nothing to do about it.

"If you won't show me I'm gonna hang-" he stopped abruptly, finally looking at the smiling Dream, who was desperately trying to hold in his laugh. His belly did a flip at the way George stared at him.

But god did he look stupid right now. He was staring at the screen, just blinking like a dumb ass. And who could blame Dream for starting to laugh loudly.

"Y-You look so stupid!" He managed to say through the laughs. His eyes were big, cheeks hued pink and his mouth slightly open. He looked like a moron and Dream hated how he actually thought this person was cute. While Dream was almost crying, even though it wasn't that funny, George didn't blink, not even once.

"You're handsome," he suddenly blurted out. George's shocked expression revealed that he definitely didn't mean to say that. Who could blame him though? Dream was handsome. With his dirty blonde hair swaying in front eyes, those big green eyes, and his perfect nose. It couldn't get any better than this.

Dream swallowed, his laughter dying down. Oh, right, George had actually said he was handsome. It was becoming kind of hard to ignore the tingling feeling in his belly. Handsome, huh. Not pretty, or good looking, but handsome. Sounded pretty gay if he said so himself.

"You're not so bad yourself either." His voice cracked slightly at the end, emotions lacing the words. Shit, he didn't meant for it to sound like that. He had not expected his face reveal to go like- like this. But to be honest, what even was 'this'?

The boys looked at each other through the screen. Both were lost at what to say, 'cause what should they say? Why was it suddenly so different? It was just his stupid face, nothing special.

Maybe it were the compliments that made it so awkward, though. Maybe it were the emotions behind the words that were painfully obvious, that made this whole ordeal awkward.

He hated this.

Little did Clay know that while he was deep in his mind thinking, George couldn't stop staring. Of course he had imagined how his best friend looked like. Just so he could be prepared, you know?

But this? He hadn't been prepared for this... this beautiful human being. It left him completely speechless and an awkward mess. He, too, hated this.

"You okay there, buddy?" George managed to say, noticing Clay wasn't completely with them anymore.

"What? Oh, uh yeah, just thinking about your stupid face." He tried to laugh, wanting to convince George everything was alright. But it was painfully obvious something was off.

Dream swallowed.

"I'm gonna eat something, bye." And before George could even react, he was gone.

He instantly went numb the moment he left the call. He fell back in his chair, slouching down.

What- what was that? Why did it leave him so- out of breath. Because he strangely was out of breath. His palms were sweaty and his heart was running a marathon.

You're handsome

Clay looked at himself in the reflection of his computer. A smile crept upon his face. George actually thought he was handsome. His cheeks turned pink while the lovey-dovey smile became bigger. He couldn't care about what this could possible mean. George thought he was fucking handsome. There was no reason to even search for anything in this.

"That wasn't important," He whispered as his stomach turned pleasantly.

Without him even wanting to, his mind started to imagine different settings. Him opening a door, revealing George, his cheeks bright red from the cold outside. A suitcase in George's hand, but that wouldn't be where Dream's eyes were. No, he would've looked the British man right in the eyes, trying to hold his stupid smile at bay. George would tell him he's handsome. Then he would lean in, his eyes hyper focused on Georges. At first, George wouldn't know what was happening, before leaning in, too. And just before their lips would meet, he would open his mouth to whisper somethi-

His phone fell on the ground with a loud thud as he sat up abruptly.

Excuse me, he thought to himself, his eyes widening. His mouth fell open as he spaced out.

He tried to defend himself, but it was a lost cause. All he could come up with was that he wasn't gay. But thinking about kissing one of your best friends was pretty gay, he supposed. He furrowed his eye brow as he opened and closed his mouth, as if he actually was going to say something. Of course he thought about how adorable George was, but this, this went so many steps too far. George and him were just friends.

George and you are just friends.

George and you are just friends.

George and you are just friends.

George and you are just friends.

You love George in the same way you love Sapnap.

It was on repeat, like an annoying song, for the next few days. Even when they were playing another manhunt, in which he died embarrassingly, he repeated those sentences in his head.

When he heard George laugh with Sapnap about his death, it finally dawned on him. The way his mouth turned dry and his breath hitched at his beautiful laugh, was a dead giveaway. It was something he should've realized way sooner. It wasn't as if this was the first hint. Because maybe, just maybe, he didn't love George in the same way he loved Sapnap.

As he stared at the 'you died!', he could only hear Georges enthusiastic voice, yet, he didn't pay attention to what he was saying. There was something much more important going on in his mind then his embarrassing death.

He bit his lip, a mesmerizing smile covering his face.

He liked his best friend, who was now laughing at him. He was painfully aware that he should've felt horrible. He had a crush on his best friend who was straight, he had absolutely no chance.

But as Georges laugh filled his ears, he just felt home, all his concerns washed away.

And that, that was scary.

Okay- so uhm,,, if you guys dont like it i wont continue :( but like- idk what i think about this. Feedback is always appreciated :)

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