Meeting him

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(Eve's outfit above)

There was a howl. Eve could smell her enemies. She knew they knew that she was hurt. Eve couldn't run away because of the fact that she was hurt. Eve howled to her pack for help. They were close by, Eve could smell them.

"What are you doing in our territory?" A voice asked. Eve looked up to see the alpha wolf from her enemies pack. Crap! Eve thought as she heard more growls coming from the shadows. Eve didn't know if it was her own pack or the enemies.

"I said what are you doing here?" The alpha asked again. She was about to scratch Eve but she could someone took her hand. "Don't you touch my daughter," Eve's father, Wade, he was the alpha of Eve's pack. "Dad we don't need to start a war let's just go home," Eve said as she got on her knees.

One thing about Eve that was important to know was she didn't like how her pack and the pack were always at war. "Your right, Hon," Wade said as he picked up his daughter. The two went home and Eve went to the healer of the pack. "What you doing on that side of the woods?" Wade asked as he paced around his daughter's room.

Eve was sitting on the bed hugging her knees. "I was hunting game, and I thought I could get before it passed the territory line," Eve said slowly. Wade sighed. "Just be more careful next time," he said as he left the room. Eve nodded as her dad closed the door.

Later, Eve was walking through the forest when her ankle was better. She walked to her favourite clearing. It was on a cliff. Eve went and hung her feet off the edge. Suddenly she heard a twig snapped. Eve jump led up and turned around. She wolfed out to the person who was behind her.

The person was a guy, he had brown hair with a white streak, and two fangs on his cheeks showing he was a beta. He was wearing a mustard-yellow shirt with a purple vest that had fur on top, he had on jeans and ratty old sneakers. Eve thought he looked cute.

The raised his hands up in surrender. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm Wyatt," the guy said. Eve went back to normal. "Nice to meet you I'm Eve," Eve said as she introduced herself. Wyatt chuckled a bit. "I didn't think anyone else came here," Wyatt said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah, I come here all the time, want to sit with me?" Eve asked motioning to the ground. Wyatt nodded, then they both sat down.

"So where are you from?" Wyatt asked As he kicked his feet over the edge. "Um... I'm from West Port," Eve said slowly. Wyatt immediately stood up and backed away. "Your apart of the Full Moon pack," Wyatt said as he wolfed out. Eve walked away from the edge and then continue to back up to her den. "Yes but I know, your from the Lykensen pack, so I should be mad at you too," Eve yelled as she pushed Wyatt slightly.

Wyatt growled at scratched Eve cross her arm. "What was that for?" Eve asked holding her arm. Wyatt immediately felt this weird feeling like he failed Eve somehow. Luckily since Eve was a wolf, she was healed within a few minutes. "I'm sorry about that, I don't know what came over me," Wyatt said helping Eve up.

"Why are you apologising? I'm the enemy?" Eve said as she back away from Wyatt. Wyatt rubbed his neck nervously. "I just feel this weird feeling, I mean I know I just meant you but I feel like I've known you forever," Wyatt said looking into Eve's blue eyes.

Eve knew what he was talking about she felt the same way for him. Eve moved closer to Wyatt. "If we get caught, we'd be in huge trouble," Eve said taking Wyatt's hand. "Then we have to make sure no one sees us," Wyatt said as he took Eve's other hand and leaned his forehead on her's. "But still, we can't," Eve said as she pulled away. She gave Wyatt an apologetic look before she ran away.

Wyatt felt his heartbreak. He loved her and he knew she felt the same. But Wyatt knew he couldn't force anything on Eve. He would never want to do that to her.

She was his mate.

In love with the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now