Choices (Markhyuck)

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[A/N: I do write smut, but for you soft stans, I still make the oneshots readable for you and give warnings when the scene starts, so you can just skip over it if needed. For my bottom Mark stans, this one's for you ;) ]

"I'm telling you! There's tons of alpha dick out there, you're just too lazy to look." Renjun nitpicked in a scolding tone, hoping the boy across from him would get his subtle hints he'd been dropping all damn day.

Mark instead rolled his eyes and almost slammed his head onto the table in anguish, a little annoyed that his younger friend was missing the point of his dramatic crisis.

"You're not getting it Jun! You've already found the right person for you. Someone you'll spend the rest of your life with," he said in a sulking tone, his fork scraping along his plate as he was staring at his food rather than eating it. He was referring to the fact that his best friend had recently just found his mate.

It was always exciting to hear about someone you know bonding with someone on such an intimate level, finding their other half and experiencing the synergy between. It's said to be exhilarating, the feeling of being marked as a mate. Not just on a physical plane, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually. It's like finally finding a sense of peace after being at war with a lonely heart, battling amongst itself as it caused inner turmoil.

Or so Mark had heard.

He was extremely happy for Renjun. He really was. Jeno was a great guy, and he knew for a fact that he would take care of his best friend. The boy before him seemed to be glowing in a way he'd never seen before and he was glad that he was happy.

But, he can't help but clutch at his heart every time he'd see the two together, and the bond that they share. It was like Jeno always knew exactly what Renjun was feeling, or something akin to it. He was always there when Renjun needed him, always did the right things, be there just to give the other a peace of mind.

Mark wanted that. He wanted that so bad.

"But it makes sense though. You're cute, smart, positive, funny. You're a great person to talk to, you always listen, and you never judge. No wonder Jeno made you his mate, hell if he didn't I would've," Mark complimented in a rant, speaking incredibly fast to the point where Renjun found it a bit hard to keep up with what he was saying. He laughed nonetheless, thinking Mark was honestly being ridiculous.

"See Mark, as much as I appreciate you confessing your undying love for me, I'm not the one who needs to hear it," the blond innocently replied, sipping his smoothie before risking a glance at Mark, hoping he wasn't being too obvious about his hints.

"Yeah, like anyone wants a dork like me confessing to them," the brunet huffed out, dropping his face onto his hand and continuing the circular motions he was making with his fork against his plate.

The younger male sitting across from him almost slammed his head into the table. Apparently, he needed to be more obvious if he wanted to get his dense, dumb as a rock, best friend to see what was right in front of him. Ever since he'd heard about Mark's admirer, and his anxieties about the boy liking him back, he'd been trying to drop subtle hints to the older male all week that he just wasn't picking up. Surely, he knew exactly how Mark felt on this matter, but it wasn't his place to say, so he would have to let this happen on its own. With help of course because these two seriously needed it.

But Mark, being Mark, needed a huge fucking sign in neon lights saying "He loves you, you idiot!" for him to even consider all possibilities. Renjun had never been so frustrated in his life. Nothing, absolutely nothing could beat his current level of irritation. Not even the time when he was one number off from winning the lottery.

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