
925 14 0

Code #9
Age: 25
Gender: male
Pronouns: he him
Height: 6,2
Ability: direct hit
When Aku uses a fast forward force on an object he can decide where its target is and always hit it. This also works for his guns. (Basically 100% accuracy)😎
Eye color: marroon
Personality: strict, tense, cowboy guy🤠
Relationships: Miyano (girlfriend)
Inito: (brother)
Jodian: (best friend)
Weapon: dual hand pistols (varies)
Sexuality: heterosexual
Likes: quiet places, drinking, smoking
Dislikes: being sober, people who talk big with no action
Hobby: watching tv and drinking/smoking hanging out with Miyano
Favorite flavor: pineapple
Other: CEO of "you're rlly starting to piss me off"🤠
Usually alone but likes to spend time with dice and kinda watch over them and keep them out of trouble even though they can be a handful.

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