Chapter 15

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Mamrie's POV

"HANNAH!" I yelled as her device started to beep.
I ran outside and called for a nurse and help came rushing in.
"What happened?" Her nurse asked.
"I-i-i- was sitting here and All of a sudden her thing started to beep and I don't know what happened" I managed to get out between sobs.
"Okay okay calm down" the nurse soothed as she put her hand on my shoulder and rushed me out of her room. I tried to protest but she was to strong. I couldn't contain my sobs and people were staring but I didn't care. Hannah for all I knew was going to die probably or be permanently damaged. I had to tell Grace and Chester.
As soon as I calmed down I walked over to their room to find Grace mobile and Chester sitting in the chair.
"Hey Mames" she said cheerfully.
"Hi" I said weakly.
"What's wrong" she asked as my fave grew darker.
"Ummmmm...." I tried to explain but broke down again.
"Mames you're worrying me, what happened?" Asked Chester.
"Hannah-Hannah-Han-Han-Hannah is in trouble" managed to get out.
"How?" Chester asked.
"Her monitor started to beep and nurses came rushing in a her body just was going crazy" I cried.
I could see Grace silently sob as she held her stomach.
"You guys should post-pone the wedding" I quietly.
"I know, we were thinking about that." Grace said darkly.
We were a silent until the doctor walked in with a face I will never forget.

Grace's POV
I felt broke. I felt like I couldn't do anything when the doctor announced that Hannah would be in a coma for 5 months due to her break out. He even said it might've been longer than 5 if her health wasn't going to improve.
I sobbed on the way home. I shook and cried while Chester tried to reassure me that everything would be fine. How did he know? He couldn't predict the future. But I knew he was just trying to be comforting. He held me on the couch while we had the tv on mute. Mamrie had went home in an Uber. I couldn't imagine the pain she was feeling. She was more open that I was lost of the time. Maybe it's because I'm a libra. That's what Hannah used to say. Libras were emotionally cold which meant they didn't really show any emotions or they didn't understand why people got upset about little things that were probably big to those who were crying. I never believed Hannah with all of her facts and I didn't know how she kept all of those useless facts.
"Ches" I whispered as he held me tight in his embrace.
"Yes," he responded.
I looked up and kissed him. "I'm afraid" I finally admitted.
"Of what?" He asked.
"That our baby girls will never know heir Aunt Hannah."
"Oh baby" he soothed as he stoked my arms. "They will know her I assure you that"
I didn't believe him but I did believe that she might come out but not last long.
I fell asleep in his arms and so did he.

Mamrie's POV
Crying. All day I was crying and shriveled up on my couch. I called Flula but he couldn't come. He was okay a business meeting in Germany. He said he would come that second I called him
but I said I was fine. But that was a big fat lie.

Hey guys! Thanks so much for 1k reads! You guys make this story better! HANNAH IN A COMA FOR 5 MONTHS! Keep coming back for more of you want to m ow what happens! Remember to vote, comment, and share!!

Stay cute😘✌️

I don't know...

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