The Picnic

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"Sorry, but what are we doing again?" The thought of going outside to a random place in the mountainside, sitting down, and eating with someone else boggled Hordak's mind. He had heard of picnics before, but never imagined that it would involve going to the mountains.

"We're going on a picnic!" Entrapta smiled with glee. "And it's ok, Hordak, it's good to ask." She held his hand and they smiled at each other as they made their way out of the castle, Imp and Emily tagging along with them, rolling around the rocky pathway. Hordak looked up at the view from the cliffs, they always amazed him when he passed by these pathways and cliffs.

The couple and their pets continued along the pathways until they ventured up to a more vegetated area of the mountains. There were trees filled with leaves and vines, flowers dotted across the ground, and grass everywhere where Hordak stepped. Entrapta stopped at a shaded part and grabbed a baby blue blanket and laid it down on the ground. Hordak watched as she took out sandwiches, tacos, bowls of soup, even a cake, out of the picnic basket she had built (yes, built.) She set down the plates and drinks and finally laid back down.

"TA DAAA! I built our picnic basket, and I packed a lot of food! I even made your favorite cake- red velvet!" She smiled as she held up a miniature piece of cake.

"Oh, and all the food is just SO CUTE!" Hordak smiled and sat down, with Imp and Emily sitting nearby as well. He thought that Entrapta's little obsession over tiny food was adorable. He took his backpack and opened it up, grabbing some sardines and motor oil, and handing it to Imp and Emily. They both looked happy as they happily accepted it and began eating. Entrapta smiled at them, and turned back to Hordak.

"Want some tiny sandwiches and soup?" She chuckled. Hordak nodded, and Entrapta grabbed a plate, putting two sandwiches and two cups of soup. She handed it over to Hordak, who took it and began biting into the sandwiches. His eyes brightened up and he smiled.

"Wow, these are good... you're so talented, Entrapta." He smiled as Entrapta went red.

"Haha, they're not THAT good! I'd never make any good food like that, plus Wrong Hordak helped me out!" She bit into her sandwich as Hordak bit into hers. They put looked up, surprised and started to laugh.

Hordak looked up at Entrapta's laughing expression. She was so full of energy, it was amazing. He was so happy to be her boyfriend. But, he wondered since when did she also have feelings for him.. He should ask..

"Uhm, Entrapta? I hope you don't mind, but.. since when did you have feelings for me.."

Entrapta looked up from her drink, blush rushing to her face.

"Uhmm, well, I guess since I made your armor back in the Fright Zone of Back-Then, and I guess you were always just.. really open to me, and you showed me a side of yourself that you never showed to anyone else during those times, and I felt like you cared about me." She looked up, her face red. Hordak's eyes widened as he thought back to the day when she had made his armor back in his sanctum.

"But," she continued, "I kept them secret. I didn't want to make any moves or give hints because.. you were the emperor of the HORDE! I was afraid about what everyone else would think if they saw we had developed some sort of connection or chemistry together. They'd be looking up to me as 'Queen of the Horde' and I was afraid that some people wouldn't like our relationship, and I was also afraid that no one would really like me and talk to me. AND I was also pretty scared that all that wouldn't even happen because, given the probability back then, you'd reject me if I ever confessed back then-"

"Entrapta.." Hordak's eared lowered as a smile formed on his face. "I always had feelings for you since the start. Well, ever since you built that armor for me, it really showed me how sweet and caring you are! And I guess I was also scared of what people would think and how the public would react." He looked up to Entrapta staring back, a surprised look on her face. Hordak smiled up at her and grabbed her ungloved hand, feeling how soft and delicate her hands felt up against his large, cool hands. She smiled and held on tightly to his hands.

"I love you, Hordak." Those words made chills run down Hordak's spine- he wasn't quite used to them yet, but loved hearing them whenever Entrapta expressed her love towards him. He smiled at her, softly cupping her hands together.

"I love you too, Entrapta."

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Time had passed by, and it was starting to get late, so Entrapta and Hordak decided to watch the sunset for a little before going back home to Dryl. Imp and Emily had curled up next to Hordak, sleeping peacefully. Hordak smiled down at them, and put his arm around Entrapta. She leaned on him, the two smiling and gazing up at the sunset. There were so many colors and shades of orange, yellow, red, and pink, that it surprised Hordak. We wished he could just freeze time right then and there and stay there forever with his girlfriend and their pets. They kept looking out to the sky in silence, until Entrapta suddenly leaned on Hordak's shoulder, snuggling up to him, half asleep. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. She smiled, eyes closed. They all sat there for a couple more minutes until the sun dipped down below the horizon. Hordak slowly carried Entrapta on his back, while Emily carried Imp on her hood, along with the picnic basket and backpack. They started walking back towards Dryl. Entrapta snuggled up on Hordak's shoulder, and he smiled up at her, walking towards the gates of their kingdom. Wrong Hordak greeted them with a basket full of freshly-baked muffins.

"Welcome home, Brothers and Sisters!" He smiled wide as Hordak patted his back and smiled at him.

"I have to go take Entrapta upstairs to her bedroom, take care of Imp and Emily for me." He started to make his way up the staircase when Wrong Hordak called out.

"Of course, brother! Take your time!" He winked. Hordak turned really red. He knew Wrong Hordak didn't really comprehend how winking works, but he still felt embarrassed. He chuckled it off as he carried Entrapta to her room. He arrived and opened the door. He placed her down on her bed, untied her hair, and grabbed some PJ's from her drawer. He helped her undress and tried not to look at her body. He felt like he needed permission to look at her body, so he respected that. They finally finished, and he laid her back down and covered her up. She smiled in her sleep and he smiled back at her. He kissed her and started to walk out the door when he heard her call out.

"Hordak? Please, come back tonight.." He looked back, Entrapta sitting up in bed, holding the sheets tightly against her chest. She was giving him puppy eyes, and Hordak couldn't resist- they were just so adorable! He smiled at her warmly.

"I'll be back soon, baby. Lemme just tuck Imp, Emily, and Wrong Hordak in." He chuckled, remembering Wrong Hordak's wink and it's intentions. He looked at her, a smile forming on her face.

"Ok, babe, don't be gone too long." She smiled and laid back down and covered herself up. Hordak smiled at her and closed the door behind him. He was pretty tired, but he needed to go tuck the Trio in (as he liked to call them.) He'll be with Entrapta in a bit, then, they could cuddle up as much as they wanted to.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Thanks for reading Chapter 13! I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm sorry if some parts don't make sense, I had a little break midway to text some friends and my boyfriend since I'm graduating tomorrow :) Chapter 14 will probably come out on Saturday night or Sunday morning!

Thank you for reading and I'll keep you guys posted/informed with announcements! <3

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