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Nezu was a smart creature. That didn't stop him from jumping a bit when he heard a slimy, wet sound behind him. He turned to face his interruption, apprehensive.
Facing his potential threat, he instead found his slimy, er, friend. His face softened in a way that he found only the liquid-like man invoked in him. Heat rose to his cheeks and a feeling bloomed in his chest as he smiled at the villainous man.
"A-ah! Sludge Villain Kun!" He greeted pleasantly. He gazed into his twinkling ruby orbs and his heart stuttered in his chest.
"Hi there, Principal!" Sludge Villain grinned back, flushing in his own, strange liquid-like way. Ever since they had become friends through the villain rehabilitation program, Nezu couldn't help but feel drawn to the man, a feeling he had never known pooling in his heart. He of course had his suspicions towards the strange feeling, but it felt so foreign. He had no idea how to possibly acknowledge what this might mean for their friendship, his world view, or even his career as a pro hero.
He knew it was wrong to have these kinds of feelings for the sludge man. He most certainly knew it was wrong to think of his face in the dead of night, or to daydream about him while drinking tea.
No wonder humans act so foolish when in love.

best ship x)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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