The First Date

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Your face turns bright red. You can see the nervous look on his perfect face. He smiles at you. It fills you with butterflies and you get a tingly feeling. You feel like you're dreaming. You smile back at him.

(y/n): Yeah! That would be really nice.

Harry's face lights up and he looks at you. Your heart melts. He has these gorgeous green eyes that you could stare into all day. His perfect smile makes you feel warm inside. Everything about him is perfect. He thinks the world of you and you are perfect in his eyes. 

(Harry): Would you like to go walk along the beach?

(y/n): Yeah that sound really nice.

You go to his car and he opens the door for you and you get in. He has a Ford Capri and you get in with ease. He treats you like such a gentleman. You can't stop thinking about his gorgeous green eyes, his perfect hair, and his adorable smile. Everything about him is perfect in your eyes.  You get to the beach and he gets a towel from the back of his car for you guys to sit on. It's about 2:15pm when you get there. You guys start walking down the beach and he slowly reaches over and grabs your hand. You guys lock hands. You get a sudden rush of butterflies and you starts to blush. He notices you blush and he smiles. You start to blush even more. You guys walk along the beach and talk for like 2-3 hours. Its now 5:15 and you guys go and get dinner from Rose's cafe. You guys go back to the beach after dinner and watch the sunset. 

(y/n): The sunset is gorgeous!

(Harry): Not as gorgeous as you. 

You guys walk down to the water and he starts to splash you. You look at him and laugh and splash him back. You guys laugh and act silly. You have the best time you have ever had in a really long time. You guys walk up to the pier to look at the water.  As the sun finally reaches below the horizon it begins to get colder. He notices your cold and takes off his jacket and puts it around you. You guys lock hands again and walk back to his car. You guys get in and start to drive home. You see notebook he has on his dashboard. 

(y/n):  What's this?

 (Harry): Just a songbook where I write down my thoughts.

You read the songs and you realize how good they are.

(Harry): Did you read them?!?

(y/n): Yeah. Was I not supposed to?

He looks at you and tries not to be mad at you.

(Harry): It's ok, it's just embarrassing.

(y/n): They are really good though.

(Harry): Really?!

(y/n): Yeah!

You guys get to your house and he starts to lean in. Your heart starts racing and you don't know what to do. Do you kiss him or not?

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