So if you haven't already guessed- I had to save my neighbor's dog. I forgot his name so let's just call him Doogy (yes I just called a dog Doogy). He was a Chihuahua. So I was like around 10 at the time so I was pretty stupid. my fence was a little broken so fell apart easily.
I wanted to pet Doogy cuz we loved each other. Then I wanted him to come in my backyard, so being the dumb 10-year old I was I broke the fence and Doogy went into my back yard
We played a bit then Doogy was going near the front yard, I wasn't really scared about it cuz I thought the gate that leads to the front yard was "closed". Turns out it wasn't because he went into the front yard and into my other neighbor's yard.
The other neighbors weren't home at the time so I had to go across the street to get him, yet I couldn't because it was mom's rules (thanks mom). Then he went on the street and I panicked because everyone on my street treated it like it was a damn highway, and also he wasn't even my dog.
I brought out some chicken (like that will do anything) and cat toys, he still didn't come, I tried whistling but I can't whistle (I still can't to this day). Then I had nothing to do other than cross the street and get him, and the best thing was that there was a car coming, I tried yelling at the car like it would stop it (it did surprisingly)
The driver yelled at me and I ran away, I was holding on to the dog till his owners came, turns out they saw the whole thing, so yeah that's how I "saved" Doogy
Holy moly that's a lot of typing
Word count: 315
Edit: oh crap people actually read this omg
New word count: 328